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-Harrys pov-

"How about this one?" I asked Shelby, picking up the small chocolate, placing it in the mouth of a girl who's sitting in between my legs as we sat on the couch.

She gave my a thumbs up as she chewed on the chocolate,  looking at me. I leaned down and placed a kiss to her lips, after she was done eating.  She kissed back, barely and smiled.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, placing my head on her shoulder. Her small hand reached up and found it'd way to my hair as she ruffled it around, a small giggle escaping her lips.

A light knock was heard at the door, making us both turn our heads towards it. "Shelby! open the damn door!" I heard a woman call from the other side. Shelby groaned and placed her hands on the couch pushing herself up.

I quietly chuckled because she was so cute when she did the pregnant lady get up thing. She slowly walked to the door, taking her good old time. "Maybe they're not home" A guy said in a low voice.

Shelby warpped her hand around the door nob amd turned it, slowly pulling it open.

There stood Two people with a little girl. The woman had long blonde hair, which I must say was beautiful, she was short like Shelby and she had the warmest smile ever.

The man he was dark, His hair was tall and dark, he was tall and had tattoos like me. He was holding a little girl she had dark hair that went past her shoulder and big brown eyes, she looked about 3.

"What the-" "Hello Harry! I'm Destiny!"  she said walking over to me, placing her hand out. I awkwardly shook her hand and smiled "are you the girl from the phone call?" I asked,  dropping my hand back to my side, as Shelby walked over to me.

"Yes!" She smiled, man this girl is happy. Destiny then turned and pointed to the man and the little girl.  "That's Zayn, my husband and our daughter Rayne." She smiled, picking up the little girl from Zayns arms.

Rayne gave me a small smile, before hidding her face, she was so cute.

-Edwards pov-

I rubbed my eyes waiting in line to get a cup of coffee. I've been up all night and I'm exhausted,  but I don't care because I'm going to be awake when Mary wakes up, I'm going to be there with her and pray that nothing went wrong in this 'coma' they put her in.

I'm hoping that when she wakes up she still knows who I am and we can get back to being the happy couple we are.

I grabbed a cup and filled it with coffee, adding the sugar and cream, turning around seeing two girls whispering and pointing to me. 

I walked over to them "is something wrong?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee, relaxing a bit, which felt great cause at the moment I have a killer headache.

The giggled and shook their heads "We were just talking about your tattoos.." They smiled "and how hot you are" the other girl added on.

I spit out my coffee and looked at the short blonde girl, as they slowly backed away "are you okay?" They asked, giving me weird looks.

"Yeah, its just I have a girlfriend who's in a coma over there." I said turning around to point the room, but instead my coffee slipped from my hands, spilling everywhere. 

Doctors, lots of them were rushing to her room with all this stuff. "Mary!" I screamed as I ran over to her room trying to push past all the doctors, but there was to many.

"We need Edward Styles" The voice called from over the intercom. 

"I'm right here!" I screamed, tugging at my hair as all the doctors turned and looked at me.

They all moved over to the side and there sat Mary, awake and alive.

"Mary!" I screamed as I ran over to her, quickly kissing her, my hands on her cheeks as she kissed me back.

I was just so happy she's alive.

-Marcels pov-

I laid in bed as I waited for Louis to finish his shower and I must say he takes really long showers.

I sighed putting my book down, hoping of the bed and walking into the bathroom. It was hot and steam was everywhere. "Lou?" I questioned,  walking towards the shower.

"Hey Marc" I heard louis say as he popped his head out from behind the shower curtain, giving me one of his famous silly faces.

I giggled walking over to the Shower, so I was now standing infront of the shower. "What's taking you so long?" I asked, pecking his lips.

He smiled "Nothing, I was just waiting for you to come join me" He grinned pecking my lips back.

"Me join you..? I think ill pass" I smiled, teasing him a bit. "But we've never done it in the shower" He said in a sexy voice, winking at me.

"hmmm I dont kn-" "just get in the shower with me" Louis interrupted me as he stepped out of the shower, his wet naked body exposed to me.

I bit my lip, keeping my eyes on his face. "You know you wanna join me in that nice hot shower" He grinned, putting his wet hands under my shirt, before taking it off.

His hands traced my few tattoos on my chest, them slowly trailing to my pants un buttoning them.

Before I knew it I was under the hot water with Louis making what he liked to call love.


So like who's your favorite couple? :3

Well I mise as well thank you all and I love you♡♥♡

keep being awesome.

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