Chapter 31- Water

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Chapter 30- Water

"Here are the papers." Taemin said, placing the papers on the head boss's desk. He looked up, didn't bat an eye, and took the paper. Taemin knew he was pissed off for having come just two minutes later than the said time. But it wasn't his fault. It was Jongin's fault for not reading it in the first place even though he was warned the day before.

Taemin left the office with his head down, shoulders slumped and a frown to his face. Today was his day off too. He would rather prefer to not go home with a bad impression on the boss. He tightened the scarf around his neck, gulping down the saliva that seemed to have been sitting in his throat since that morning. All around him he could feel the eyes of other doctors and assistance watching him.

Ever since Jongin pointed out his bruises, he'd been feeling like everyone else must've noticed too. He had tried so hard to keep it a secret from everyone; even his parents haven't found out about his kept secret at home. He looked at his phone and bit his lip. He enjoyed his days off, because he wouldn't have to worry about sick patients, or anyone else except for himself and his boyfriend.

But, that was only possible if his boyfriend was in a good mood. The bad news was that on most days, he's always found in a bad news. On lucky days, he would be in a good mood, but recently, all that he's been were bad moods. Taemin wasn't sure if his body could take it much longer. He'd been taking it with all the strength he could, but deep inside, he's desperately wishing someone would reach out to him and save him.

"I...I'm home.." Taemin called once he reached their house. The house was silence, an indication that he shouldn't step in any further. Shaking his head, he went in anyway. He loved his boyfriend. No matter what, he still loved him. The pain was just too much to bear.

"M-Minho? Where are you?" He called out again. He reached the end of the hall and was about to make a turn into the living room when a bottle smashed into his head. The warm liquid dripping down his forehead could only be blood. He was shocked. This would be the first time Minho had ever hit him directly in the face using an object. The latter knew that he was a doctor, so he never place marks in visible areas.

"Where've you been all day, slut? Been out searching for dicks, huh?" Minho was drunk.

Taemin tried to get up, but he was dragged off his feet. "No! Let go of me! You're drunk!"

"Drunk because my beloved wife didn't come home soon enough to comfort me. Now let me punish you, sweetie."

Taemin was lifted off his feet and carried on the taller's shoulder like a sac. He could only grip tightly so that he doesn't fall off as he was carried up the stairs and into their cold room where different toys, bondage materials lay. He was placed harshly on the bed, his eyes teary as he watched the door close shut. No way out.


"Put this on." Jongin said, pushing sunglasses onto Kyungsoo's face. He made sure to fix the scarf so that it cover the older's lower half of his face. "We can't risk you being seen, with this, you'll at least be safer." He caressed the scarf against the older's cheek. "You look cute, all snuggled up like this." No one should suspect.

"Mmhhhmmhh." He said, voice muffled under the scarf. Jongin chuckled and leaned down to kiss his forehead. "Let's go Hyung, we'll want to get there earlier than late, otherwise we won't get to enjoy ourselves." Jongin said and ushered Kyungsoo out the door. It was still early morning so they should get there on time. He reminded himself to go shop for food first because he just remembered there wouldn't be a scrap left in that unused penthouse.

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