Chapter 24- Extra hand

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Chapter 24- Extra hand

Sehun rolled over to his side, pulling the covers closer to his chin to trap in the heat. His hair was a mess, sticking out in all directions, and last night he had the best dream about Lulu, and how his Lulu came and kissed him on his lips, then they did more naugty things. Sehun blushed to himself when he remembered how awesome his dream was, if only it was real though. He sighed before convincing himself to sleep again and dream about Luhan but something snapped him awake faster than a naked Chanyeol.

Sehun nearly fainted when he heard a moan from the other wall just behind the bed. There were faint squeaks acompanying the moans, and more grunts. He paled when he came into realization that Jongin and Kyungsoo were busy at it in the morning. Making a disgusted yet shocked face, Sehun covered his ears with his hands in attempt to block out the noise.

It was embarrassing and awkward for him to be laying there and witnessing someone actually having sex just on the other side of the wall. "Don't they know that I am still here!?" He hissed to himself and buried deeper into the covers. The moans and grunts were so annoying and it made him want to puke. Sehun didn't want to get up either because what if he does and they stop? That would be even more awkward and embarrassisng.

So Sehun laid there, eyeballs about to pop as the moans continue for another agonizing half hour before everything went quiet. He sighed happily that he didn't have to endure that horrible situation anymore and hauled himself off the bed. His legs were a little flimpsy due to an awkward position when he was in bed, but he still staggered out of the room to knock on Jongin's door.

Sehun wasn't the type to shy away from things like this. Although he did feel awkward earlier, it was only because Kyungsoo was a criminal and he was having sex with his best friend Jongin. But now, he was all ready to confront the two, even if it cost his life..

Wait no, Sehun wasn't the type to die for Jongin.

Without another thought, Sehun decided to leave the topic off and turned around to leave. He could only get so far before Jongin's door open, he was sweaty, cheeks flushed, and busy fixing his pjs. He stilled though when he saw Sehun.

Sehun bit his lip and cursed his bad timing. "Oh..ummm hey Jongin.." He looked anywhere but his best friend. Wow, this is awkward.

"'Morning to you too, did you sleep well?" Jongin asked mockingly, probably because he knew Sehun heard everything, and leaned against the door frame casually.

"Yeah, pretty well until I woke up and heard unnecessary things going on. Really, Thanks man for making me hear you two." He said sarcastically.

"Hey, I have needs too, especially when my babe is so adorable like that. I couldn't help myself." Jongin said then chuckled, opening the door wider to reveal Kyungsoo tucked in bed and sleeping. He must've been knocked out, Sehun thought and cringed. Damn.

"Anyways, you should go get ready. I'll order breakfast for us before we leave." Jongin said then closed the door again. Sehun rolled his eyes and went his way to the bathroom to wash up. As much as he enjoyed watching porn and thinking of his Lulu, Jongin and Kyungsoo going at it wasn't his cup of tea. At least, not as of now, but maybe he'll learn to enjoy it in the future and tease Jongin about it.


Jongin went back and placed a kiss on Kyungsoo's forehead, sweat already dried. The older was so beautiful as he slept after their love making. He had to admit, he was exhausted as well, but he had a mission to accomplish, Kim Heechul to be put to justice, so a little exhaustion from sex wasn't going to stop him. "Hyung I love you." He whispered, caressing the older's cheek before retreating to get his phone to make that phone call for their breakfast.

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