Chapter 13- Almost Time

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Chapter 13- Almost Time

It had been at least 5 months since the last time they met, that would be about 10 times of check ups. Jongin had said he would like Kyungsoo if he were normal, that's why he began changing himself as best he could. He listened to Jongin carefully, and made sure to hold in as much anger as he could, even though it annoyed him the most with the stupid nurse always pestering about him.

One time he almost stabbed a nurse with his eating fork just because she kept telling him to eat a lot so he would get healthier and get better. She was one of the nicer nurse, but he was still annoyed, and when he's annoyed, nice or not will end up dead. But he refrained himself and let her live because he remembered his goal was to stop being a killer and get better so Jongin would like him.

Jongin hadn't promise him anything, he just said "sure, I guess" but that was enough hope for Kyungsoo. That was all that he needed to heal his wound when Jongin rejected him. Those mere words were his lift to another level. He was willing now to accomplish Jongin's goal in the first place; healing him so he'd be normal again.

If it weren't for Jongin, Kyungsoo would have broken out of the stupid hospital already and lived his life. But because Jongin was there to visit him, he stayed just to see the younger. All that happened was because of Jongin. Kyungsoo could feel it in himself that he was starting to like Jongin more and more everything they met. They way Jongin's eyes would meet his and they would quickly dart away made him so cute.

Kyungsoo sighed. He was changing, finally, he was feeling like someone normal. The voices had stopped, no longer was Kyungsoo hearing little voices telling him to kill Jongin, the only voices he heard were his thoughts; positive thoughts about Jongin, and how cute the younger was, or how he was the center of everything that happened in Kyungsoo's time during their checking times.

Everything was changing for the better and Kyungsoo liked that. He hoped that one day, he'll be able to spend his time with Jongin, live with the other happily and enjoy their lives together. Spend their future growing old together, maybe even adopting kids too. It would be a perfect life. Something Kyungsoo had always dreamt of.

"How are you feeling Kyungsoo?" Jongin asked, staring at him with soft caring eyes.

"I'm feeling great Jongin, I think I'm finally getting out of my old skin and into a better one." Kyungsoo answered cheerfully, feeding Jongin with as much of his happiness as possible. Jongin seemed happy too that he had been doing so well. He could see the younger's smile brighten just like the sun when things turned out to be normal, not an intense atmosphere like there were in the past.

"Good to know Kyungsoo. You're really doing so well, I'm so glad."

"I'm glad too, that when I get better, we'll..." Kyungsoo blushed, finding it a little embarrassing to say it. Just thinking about holding Jongin's hand and walking together side by side with him made Kyungsoo blush harder than anything. "We'll have a chance to get to know each other better, pass the name of just doctor and patient." Kyungsoo finished, looking into Jongin's eyes to see the reaction he wanted to see but he saw nothing, just a blank expression staring back at him.

Jongin didn't know what to say or do. He did indeed regret saying he would like Kyungsoo if he were normal. That was a mistake, he didn't intend on saying "sure, I guess" he wanted to say, "no, not really." Because he doesn't really know what he felt for Kyungsoo. He just knew that he cared for the older because that was his job as the doctor. Now Kyungsoo carried all sorts of hopes in his head and they were all going the wrong way.

Jongin wanted to slap himself for giving Kyungsoo hope when there was none. He would probably never be more than a patient to Jongin. That's how it was, they had no hope together. Even if Jongin liked Kyungsoo, he was still afraid that the older would return to his old self one day. He'd be risking his life by being with Kyungsoo, and right now, he wasn't in the right position to even like Kyungsoo. His feelings were still a blur, thus seeing himself with Kyungsoo was impossible.

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