Whatever I'm Worth [9]

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Link's POV

I woke up with (y/n) lying on my lap, not expecting this, I carefully held her head and placed it on a pillow. I was going to stand up and get a fire going because it was near morning and I should cook some fish but I felt a tug on my tunic and turned around.

"Please... don't leave me, Link," she was still asleep and crying, it was possible that she was having a nightmare so I decided to stay next to her until she woke up. What surprised me was she mumbled my name and not anyone else that she... knew.

'Oh, that's right... there is no one with her left', I hit my head as I realized what I was thinking. Now that I was sitting down, she moved her hand unconsciously and touched my face before murmuring, "I like you."


"Huh?" I look down and saw she was still asleep leaving me, a blushing mess.

'Wait, hold on... she didn't say my name specifically so its fine right?', as soon as I thought that she called my name.

"Link...", now what excuse would I have to say no.

'Ah, I got it, shes still asleep so she probably won't remember what she said', I dropped my fist into my palm when coming up with the idea (I don't know how to explain this but if you watch a lot of anime, you might know what I'm talking about).

"Please... don't go", her hand fell from my face and balled into a fist as it hit the ground. She was crying harder now and I reached her hands to put it in mine. I drew circles with my thumb on her palm before whispering, "Its okay, you're not alone". It calmed her down a little as she stopped crying and gave a small smile.

She woke up. My hands were still on hers. My face hovering over hers. And last but not least I was still blushing from her, note, confession... And now she has the wrong idea.

"PERVERT!", she covered her face in the blanket after slapping me.

Reader's POV

I was kind of half asleep and awake when I said, "Please... don't leave me, Link" and... when I said I liked him. I'm a coward so I pretended to be sleep talking and to be honest, I didn't mean to say "I like you", it just kind of came out. So I had no choice but to pretend that I was asleep.

"I'm so sorry, Link!", I said putting my hands together and kneeling in front of him.

"Its my habit to slap guys when I wake up", 'oh great and now I'm making myself sound stupid'.

"Ha ha ha~ I thought you were mad at him when you saw the position you guys were in", I turned to see Sorata carrying a bunch of sticks.

"What are you talking about?", I said pretending to be confused.

"Well, Link was on to-", Link stood back up and ran towards him to cover his mouth.

"Nothing! It's nothing!", he quickly responded and I giggled at how cute he was trying to hide what happened.

"Why are you laughing?", Link asked.


"Tell me?", he continued asking.

"Sorry, its a secret~", I jumped and started running around as Link starts to chase me.

"I need to know", Link said as he was trying to corner me.

"No~", I laughed as I felt as light as a feather running around.

"You guys... this isn't time for fun", Sorata shook his head at our act.

LoZ Last Life (DISCONTINUED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang