Chapter 18

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Advice#7- A woman's fury is not one to play by. A man's fury is not one to fool. A fury may change everything.



"You went into a fever?" Landon asked.

"I did!" Ivy yelled.

"You had my child?" He questioned.

"Of course, what did you think I said?" Ivy said as she pushed him away from her. "You ruined me. Do you get it? You almost killed me." The energy drained from Ivy as she put space between her and Landon. "You almost killed me...if not for my mother I would have been dead with my child and I wish I was." Ivy pushed passed Landon. "I hate you, I hate you with so much."

"You can hate me all you want but if you ever think about leaving, or a separation, your father, mother, and sister will be left on the streets." Landon threatened.

"Threaten all you can my Lord. But what if I left without coming back. Me buried 6 feet under the ground with him or her. It's not a separation is it? Blame others for your trouble but in reality it was you who brought the trouble." Ivy said as she walked away.

"Ivy?" Maddie said as Ivy shook with tears. "Everything will be alright Ivy. Don't cry, stay strong darling. Your child needs you."

"I can't do it anymore Maddie. I am so sick of everything." Ivy said.

"Sleep it off child. Come I will take you to your room."

"No, I want a new room." Ivy said as Maddie just nodded and led her to a guest room where she stayed awake for hours before falling asleep.

Ivy woke up with immense pain in her abdomen. She thought it was nothing but a bit of cramps. As the pain increase she had to bite her lips from screaming out loud.

"Landon..." She whispered, remembering he was a few doors away from her.

Ivy felt the pain subsided a bit as she slowly sinked to the floor. It was all too familiar to her. Holding her stomach she slowly walked herself to their chamber and pray the child was alright.

'She couldn't, he would made sure of that. She won't take the child with her would she? He was cruel but was he really that cruel to just have left her alone with his flesh and blood. Yes, yes he was. The blood laid on his hands.'

The air was cool and lonely, the stars have come up with the moon shining brightly down at his window glass. Landon knew better to not disturb Ivyline when she was angry. He pushed her too far tonight.

"Landon...." Ivy's voice opened the door to his chamber. Her voice was slow and shallow.

Landon turned around at the sound of her voice, not noticing the way she stood.

She was in a designer cotton dress going just below her knees, her flesh expose. But something was wrong, her sweat glistens in the moon light also her voice was too low almost a groan.

"I'm going to lose our child soon if we don't get a doctor." Before the words registered into his head, Landon was picking her up to lay on the bed. Her groan was getting louder as she cover her stomach.

"Everybody, wake." Landon yelled into the hall, feet scuffling already. "Tell the butler to fetch the best doctor in town. Your queen needs one before she loses our child." Landon yelled to the maids before leaving the door open. "Fetch Harriet."

Harriet was the elder and head among Landon's staff and had many years of experience as a doctor's assistant.

Just as she appeared, she started to order what was needed done.

She groan in pain...Landon tried so hard to stay calm but was panicking, he couldn't lose her now. Not when he loved her with all his heart.

"Landon, I'm sorry." Ivy cried out.

"Don't be my queen." Landon said putting put a kiss on her forehead. "I'm not losing you."

"Look at the chances. Twice Landon, twice." Ivy whispered clutching onto his hand for dear life.

"Where is the doctor!"

"I don't hate you Landon. I only hate that I love you. I just want you to know if this is our last time together, you treated me more than a princess, more than a queen, more than words can explain."

"You are not going to die!" Landon whispered to her. "I love you, don't you dare die on me!" Those were his last words before he was pushed out.

The doctor who was woken from his slumber had quickly pulled his materials together. He had not wasted anytime to dress himself properly as he rode one of the king's fastest horse.

"Landon." Seth said.

"Seth." Landon firmly shook his hand and slump back into his seat.

"The town has been awake since the call for the doctor. Everyone is waiting for you to make the call."

"There has been no sound or news of anything." The worst settling into Landon's stomach. "I either lost our child or both." Landon stared out as the sun began to rise. "I can't lose her. I love her Seth, more than life itself."

"King Landon." The doctor's face held a dark shadow. The worst clouding Landon's thoughts. "Both are fine." He smiled. "Please let her rest for 2 days, she will need fresh air and don't let her seems that she is beyond exhausted."

"Thank you doctor. I would like to hold a ball in your honor, I will settle the event soon."

"There is no need, I am already honor." The doctor said as he was led to the door. "Now I must go and you must go see her. There is no need to see me out."

She layed there on her side of the bed. Her body unmoving but the bloody sheets laid on the floor in a bunch.

"Give Lord Seth words to the town that the queen is well and so is the child." Landon ordered the maid as she picked up the sheets. "Burn those."

"I am so sorry darling." Landon sat next to a pale Ivy. "So sorry. I pushed you too far last night. I don't deserve you but I am too selfish to let another man touch you, let alone look at you. If I can have it my way, I would wrap you in cotton to save you from hurting."


How are you guys doing? I am thinking about vacation time. Where? In my own back yard!



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