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ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'm so sad that this is gonna be the last chapter... but don't worry! I'll be at the other stories and I'll maybe start another one? Who knows? Heeheehee..


5 years later...

Author's POV

"Yah! Don't run! It's dangerous!" Aby shouted from the open kitchen. She was preparing for the twins, Jun and JunHyung 5th birthday party. They live in a big house and the kitchen was big. D.O frequently visited them, mainly to use the kitchen. And today D.O was here to help out. "You know you could have just ordered a buffet rather than waking up early to prepare." D.O voiced out his opinion honestly.

"Nah.. The kids love my cooking, just fulfilling their wish of eating my cooking rather than his." She smiled as she thought of the times the kids ran to her to beg her to cook instead of Suho.

She was preparing tuna sandwiches when she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her and her belly.

"How's my beautiful wifey doing? Are you tired?" He cooed.

"Eeeewwww get a room you two. Imma outta here, you're making me miss my wife." He walked out of the kitchen after pretending to gag.

"He's lovesick huh? Anyways, how are the decorations going? Nothing screwed up right?" Aby adverted her attention back to her tuna sandwiches. EXO had came to help out with the decorations and planning.

"Yup. But it's hard when the kids are running around. Imagine when we have more running around. I think I'll go crazy for real this time." Suho rested his head on her shoulder.

"It's just one more. Who was the one who caused all these?" She raised an eyebrow and glared at him playfully.

"Hey! You were the willing one kay?!" He defended himself.

"Yea, yea, as if." Aby chuckled.

"Jinjjaya! Aigoo... thank god your mood swings were not that extreme this time or you would have killed me with that tuna sandwich. Kekeke.." Suho joked around.

"Aish you're annoying me. I'm trying to make the perfect sandwiches here. If you are not gonna help then go away." She shooed Suho away as he pouted and left Aby in the kitchen.

"Finally some peac-" her words were cut of by a loud cry. She sighed. "The boys must be fighting again." She removed the plastic gloves she was wearing and went to see what had happened.

"Hey! Give it back! It's mine!" Jun shouted as tears started rolling down his cheeks. "Andwae! I wanna play this!" JunHyung was stubborn.

"Boys!" I shouted and they looked at me. Jae Jin was sniffling as he couldn't stop crying.

"JunHyung, give the toy back to your hyung. It is his and you shouldn't be taking your hyung's toys. If you want to take hyung's toys you have to ask nicely." I told him nicely as he looked down guiltily.

"Now apologise to hyung and return the toy to him. Come here Junhyung." I motioned for Jun to come over. "I don't want to." Junhyung shook his head. Then when Jae Jin came closer I realised there was a scratch on his arm. "Junhyung, did you do this to Jae Jin?" I raised Jae Jin's arm. It was a pretty bad scratch. He nodded his head. "The more you should apologise. It hurts a lot you know." "Mianhe hyung..." He returned the toy to Jae Jin and they both exchanged a hug. I smiled at them and left them alone.

"You are getting better at childcare now." Kyuyeon praised. "It's like an easy task for me now." I shrugged as I walked back to the kitchen to finish preparing the food.
"Saengil chukahamnida!" We all cheered as Jun and Junhyung clapped happily. "Now make a wish." Chanyeol urged. They clasped their hands together and shut their eyes tightly. At the same timing, they both opened their eyes and blew the candles.

Everyone enjoyed their time at the party as they talked and ate the home-cooked food made by Aby until the party ended and everyone left the Kim's property.

Aby tucked Jun and Junhyung to bed after tucking JunBi to sleep. "So did you two have fun?" She sat on Jun's bed. They both nodded furiously. "What did you wish for?" She asked them. "I wish for our family to be together forever." Jun smiled toothily. "I wished for my lil sis to be a beautiful donsaeng." Junhyung squirmed out of his bed and went to hug my belly, putting his ear against my belly. "Dongsaeng-ah, it's your oppa, Junhyung. You have to be very pretty okay! I will protect you forever with Jun oppa." He kissed her belly before getting back into bed.

Aby was really touched. The boys were caring and lovely and sweet. She was so close to tears but held it back. She didn't want to cry in front of them. "She will be really pretty. Don't worry. And Jun, we will forever be together." She assured them abmnd patted them to sleep.

Little did they know Suho was watching this touching moment at the door and was crying at how sweet the boys were, how perfect his family was and will do anything to protect this beautiful family of his.

The Weight Of Love: Being EXO Suho's Wife [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now