I Don't See Colors

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The ringing phone made me look up my computer. After i got accepted from my job, work poured like rain. Dan- one of my boss, is a stocky, nice man who explained the ropes of my job. I was busily designing an Internet ad for the upcoming exhibit show and though work exhaust the hell out of me, i loved every moment of it.

'Hello?' my voice distracted and a little annoyed, as i pushed the speaker button.

'Sarah? You working?' It was Roxan.

'No i was just catching some elephants.' I said sarcasticly and i heared her chuckle at the end of the line.

'I dont know if i should hate or love the sarcastic new you.'

I checked on my clock and it was 6:30 pm. Most of the staff leave work at 5 but i was so caught up i didn't notice the time.

'How's the new job?'

 The thought made me smile. I have been working in th D.C Montgomery art gallery for three months now and everything was going perfectly. Despite being a rude, overbearing man, Mr. Montgomery or Derrick as i call him behind he's back- is great boss.

How we easily annoy each other amazes the other staff and escpecially Jessica who often watch our sparring like a sport. I don't do it on porpuse. Derrick just pushes my buttons like no other person ever had. He tries to watch he's language when he's around me which Jessica noticed and gleefully pointed out.

'I've never seen him give a damn about those kind of things.'She told me, chuckling and I can't help but feel guilty. 'Oh no honey!' she must have seen this, 'It's a good thing really.'

'Good, He's great.' I told Roxan. There was a prenant pause.

'Who's he?'


'You said he's great.'

'No I didn't.'

Roxan sighed and tried a new tactic, 'I saw your boss. He's usually on every magazine there is. He's really hot.'

That surprised me. I never noticed it before. Thinking about it i did saw other girls looking at him and his secretary once gave me a menacing glare when we were spending more and more time together plannings things for the annual exhibit.

'I...I don't know.'

'What do you mean you dont know?' Roxan approached the subject with rage vieled with gentleness.

'I-I' How can i explain? That i dont see anyone now? That i dont see men like i saw them before. That the once observant girl disappeared a year ago.

'I-don't see things Roxan. I don't see color, i dont look at the sky and saw the same things i saw a year ago.' I managed. Keeping my voice calm and collected. 

The other end of the line was so silent i thought she hung up.

'I- i thought you have moved on?'

'I did it's just that-' Then the memory fought it's way up into my brain until i remembered it so clearly. The day Steph kissed  that girl and i swallowed a lump on my throat. I wasn't supposed to remember, to get hurt but i did. The scars, my heart, it was still broken and i managed to convince myself i was okay, like i did in France until i started believing that lie.

'He's a jack-ass Sarah. Do you still love him?'

I didn't answer. We both know the answer. I never stopped loving him. No matter how hard i try, his memories haunted me. The kisses we shared printed itself in my memory.

'Look- i got to go.' I said.

'Ok.' Roxan sounded hesitant, 'Look, You should call Mr Jones. It's he's birthday.'

Smiling, i told her i already did. Mr Jones was one of the few person who helped me through those dark moments in my life. I owe him the strength he generously offered me.

After i placed the phone down; a new headache is forming. Rubbing my temples i started packing up when i saw Mr. Montgomery leaning on the door. He's face was unreadable but it was intense.

'Mr Montgomery!' I exclaimed.

He' hand rose up in mock surrender, 'I didn't mean to surprise you.'

I stood there awkwardly. Not sure how much he heard.

'You've been there long?' I asked cassually.

'Long enough.' Another pregnant pause.

'You dont see color.' He said out of the blue. My eyes rivited to him. 'I see you, Sarah. I see you get into a cab and smile at a cabbie, i saw him fight on your side in a matter of minutes. That's why i hired you. You don't see color you say, but i see you make your own.'

My mouth had gone dry and i stared at the man. I should get mad. I should yell at him and tell him to mind he's own bussiness. Standing so vulnerable in front of this man was unnerving. 

I see you make your own.

How could one man make me feel so special when a few seconds ago i felt like the loneliest person on earth.

'I-I need to go.' I dashed passed him and almost tripped. In an instant, he's arms was around me. Keeping me to the ground while i leaned on he's hard, unyielding chest.

Those dark eyes met mine- a few months ago i should have felt pain looking at those eyes. But this time, i felt a hot feeling wash over me. I waited for the memories to resourface but they didn't.

'I wanted to kiss that mouth the instant you threw my suitcase out of the cab.' He whispered huskily and pushed me gently to the wall.

He buried he's nose on my neck and inhaled.  I jumped as he's tongue lick my nape. Shivering i stared at him. Confused, dazed. Wanting. He's lips was on mine. Nipping, biting, dominating. I yielded with a moan then he's tongue invaded my mouth skillfully.

Then an amazing thing happened. Details evaded my sensed. Colors exploded. I drowed myself on he's warmth. The smell of he's cologne intoxicated me and the feel of he's tongue on my lips made me lose myself.

'Sarah...' he groaned. 'Say my name baby. I want to hear you say my name.'

I looked at him and my mouth dropped. I saw what Roxan saw. I saw things i didn't see. He had brown hair- tousled and unkept- it was always like that. He's eyes were dark and he's lower lips a little full. Derrick's jawline was firm and that nose was straight and long but it did wonder to he's face.

He is gorgeous. He is hot. How many girls nearly melted with just a mere gaze of those eyes? Did the kiss do that?

'Derrick...' I sighed his name. 'You...you look gorgeous.'

He's body stilled and the atmosphere was broken. He's body started shaking and i could see him laughing.

'Sarah baby.;  He chuckled.'You say the damnest thing.'

I must have known then- I must have known that i was starting to heal.


A lot of the things i publish are not proof-read i know there will be a few gramatical/ spelling mistakes. But bare with me nevertheless :)

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