Men Love Curves

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'Mr Montgomery is ready to see you now, Ms. Pier' The secretary kindly informed.

Almost three days had passed when Marian came waltzing back to Derrick's life. And almost three days had passed since he last called me. Derrick had completely cut off any communications between us and i haven't even seen a glance of him. It' either I was too busy or he is always out.

'Ah, Ms Pier!' Mr. George Montgomery stood up when he saw me, smiling like the first time I saw him. I coudn't help but smile in return. He reminded me so much of my father; fun-loving and warm.

'How are you Mr. Montgomery?' I took a seat across him.

'Please, Mr. Montgomery is quite a mouthful isn't it? Call me George.'

Sensing my hesitation, he chuckled, 'If it makes you comfortable I'll call you Sarah. Can i do that?'

This man is impossible to resist, 'Of course.'

'Good, good. Now tell me, how much have Stephan told you about the project.'

I cursed inwardly. Nothing actually...

'Well, he told me it's for an orphanage you were building. I believe you are going to build a couple across the country, if it turns successful.'

Mr George was nodding, 'Yes, yes. And it must turn successful, I'll be needing as many sponsors and donations as i can get.'

'Of course. That's where i come, as Stephan told me. You need me to make advertisements and the whole  lot.'

He nodded again. 'And I need you to plan everything with me.'

This made me snap my gaze to him. Was he serious? The unsaid question must have shown in my eyes because his mouth curved  and he said, 'I want this project to be successful, Ms. Peir. I think your the best one for the job.'

My jaws drop. Me?! The guy barely knows me. 'Mr-Mr Montgomery-'


'George, Woudn't Derrick be better at that than me.'

He smiled and shook his head. 'I want you Ms Peir. I want your help and i trust you.

'I want the same thing too, Mr Mont- George but-'

And with those word  I knew with disbelief, he has already considered me as his partner.

I look back at the papers piled in his desk. We had been working on the details for quite some time now and we managed to get a few things straight. Mr. Montgomery, as it turns out knows very little about orphanage and had plan very little except knowing he wanted to make an orphanage.

Amusing, nevertheless, because it seems like the exact opposite of Derrick who plans things to the very last details. I knew instantly where Stephan got his carefree and spontaneous attitude from.

'What are you thinking, young lady?' George ask.

'Nothing,' I grinned, '...just thinking how frustrated Derrick would be if he see's this now.'

He raised an eyebrow. Mr. George is so very easy to talk to.


'Yeah well...he is obsessed with details and plans everything to the hilt.'

George smiled fondly at the mention of his son.

'I know instantly where Stephan got his attitude from.'

We both laugh. 'Yes, they have always been different. Derrick is too serious and Stephan is just wild. You could just imagine the horror when they were both young. It's good thing they had each other to balance things up.'

That piqued my interest, 'They were close?'

George turned his attention to the window, remembering past memories, 'Yes, then Stephan's remarried and he started spending less and less time at home. Being a stubborn lad Derrick is, he never admitted he missed his brother and he went on like he never had a stepbrother he did everything together with.'

'It must have been sad for both of them.' I murmured, imagining young Derrick and Stephan. Stephan can always managed, having a flamboyant attitude that attracts people like magnet. I fail to see young Derrick approaching someone to play with though. He always had that stubborn pride and I-don't-need-anyone attitude.

Deep in my thoughts I didn't notice Mr. George staring at me.


'It's lunch time. Do you mind being a date for this old man?'

I fake a gasp, 'A date? Whatever will your wife say?!'

Mr George was laughing as he offered his hands.

'I'm sure she'll understand. You are good for my ego, my dear.'

I reached for it. He was still chuckling as he took my hands on his arms and guided out of the office.

'Where do you usually go to dinner?' Mr George asked as we exit the building.

'Well, anywhere actually.'

Mr George frowned down at me, 'You are not one of those girls who skip meals are you?'

Laughing I explained to him I love food too much to not eat and skip meals.

'Ah... Good for you. Men love curves you know.'

I blushed, laughing. At the end, he took me to his favorite restaurant. Small and very simple, which surprised me.

'It's not fancy but the food is amazing. I used to take Stephan's mother here. She loves it.'

A waiter greeted us and showed us a reserved seat at the corner providing slight privacy. I knew exactly why Mr George loved it here. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly. Not the kind of atmosphere in fancy restaurants where people stare at your dress calculating how much they cost. Mr Geoge seems to relax to, smiling at the fellow constumers. He looks like he difinitely belongs here, even in his tuxedo.

'Hey Mr. M' A perky red-headed girl bounced at him.

'Sheila, nice to see you. Sheila this is Sarah; Sarah, met Sheila.'

Shiela gave me a brilliant smile.'Nice to see you. Would you like to order the usual Mr. M?'

Mr. George looked at me and i saw the unspoken question on his eyes. 'I'm completely at your hands George. I have never actually been here.'

Sheila's smile became wider, if that was even possible, 'Oh! A new one! Well then allow me to serve you our best!' She didn't wait for me to answer, quickly turning away.

The restaurant is really nice. The yellow-spring painted wall, the mahogany flooring and small designs here and there somehow managed to make it so alluring and tranquil.

I breathed a deep cool air, gazing outside the window, 'Gosh, I get why you love it here.'

Mr George sipped on his water, 'Yes, I imagined you'd love it too. Not everyone can appreciate the beauty in simplicity these days. One of the reasons why I wanted so much to work with you.'

'Me?' I echoed.

He smiled, a twinkle in his eyes, 'Your designs were very simple see and so sincere.'

'Simple?' my voice was weak. Was it that bad? I remember a lot of my workers not wanting my designs, saying it was too...natural but Derrick seems to love it.

'Oh yes, but alluring and enticing. You have a unique style and taste. I have seen lavish and extravagant things meant to impress, in fact it's quite rare to see someone daring to place his designs and art out in the open because it feels right.'

'Is that why you wanted me?'

'Yes. I- I want to help Sarah. I don't want anything flashy or lavish. I want this to serve it's true purpose and i want people to see that and when they make donations and give away funds, i want them to think of that.'

My respect for Mr George shot up that instant. Here is a wonderful man sitting across me, wanting me to work for him. I smiled at the thought.

'I'm sorry for being late.' Stephan's gravelly voice made me look up and my eye widened in horror.'What are you doing here?'

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