Under Different Circumstances

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'Where were you tonight?' Derrick barged into my office before i even had time to settle down.

I couldn't lie without feeling like I was the guilty one. I sat down and opened my computer.

'I was with Stephan.'

The single sentence managed to alter the atmosphere. I looked up and was disappointed to see a mask had slipped in his face, blocking out any emotions from view.

'We were talking about work.' I explained.

'At night? Where? In his apartment?' The words were tight and his eyes dared me to lie to him.

I chose my words carefully, fully aware I was trading in a dangerous territory. 'No. We were at La Lunes.' I didn't actually lie. I was just withholding information's. He didn't have to know about what transpired between me and Stephan. Didn't have the right to know, actually, since we were never in a relationship that requires commitment.

That was me making peace with my past. I needed that to finally let go of every chain that bounded me to it.

I had never felt so light. Though my life is far from perfect, I reveled those small moments that brings me peace until another storm comes passing by. From what I feel, another storm is brewing.

Derrick still didn't speak and continued staring at me.

  'Derrick. I didn't sleep with him.'

'Who said anything about sleeping with him?' He was using his bussiness man voice. The one that manages to corner his enemies and ruthlessly manipulate them. I was a little mad that he'd use it against me.

'You think I'd cheat on you?' I asked, my voice full of indignation.

There was a pause and I saw different emotions flash on his face.

'No...No I don't think you would.' He finally said- a surprise look on his face as if not quite believing he'd think so too himself.

I gave him a smile and, like so many other times, his whole attention revited to my face. He didn't smile back but I saw light from his eyes and his stiff countenance relaxed.

'I can't decide...' he muttered.

'Decide what?'

'Which one i like better, you smiling or moaning under me.'

Heat flooded my body and I forgot how to breathe.

'Derrick' I hissed- well tried to but it came out too weak.

Derrick didn't move as he continued to study me. My voice seemingly inflaming something in him. He took a step forward and my hands clutched the side of my seat.

'Or you saying my name like that...like you're begging me to fuck you.'

I swallowed hard, his eyes held me captive in blissful pleasure. Oh God. How could he say this things so naturally when he loves someone else. How can i be so affected when i know his  heart belongs to...to...

'You aren't complaining.' He murmured, placing his hands on the desk so he can lean towards me.

My brains were muddled and I shot him a blank look, 'You hate it when I curse but under different circumstances...You like it when i say fuck.'

'I do not...' I whispered.

'Shall we conduct an experiment.' There was a dangerous glint in his eyes. I licked my lips and his attention automatically dropped to my lips.

Get- get a grip of yourself ! He hadn't even touch you yet! I yelled to myself. It's not like i can control my-my...

'Derrick, you in there?' The spell was broken when Jessica opened the door. The distraction allowed me to look away from his burning gaze.

'What?' Derrick snapped. Annoyed at the intrusion.

Jessica's looked at him. Her stare accusing and cold.

'Someone's at your office.'

'Damn it! I told you I won't be seeing anyone today.'

Their was a moment of awkwardness as i felt Jessica's uneasy gaze fell on me.

'It's Marian.'

Watching Derrick gone rigged and strode out of the door without giving me a second glance caused unwanted sadness and a jagged pain tearing my chest. I began working, filling my head with anything but him.

'Sarah...' Jessica's voice cajoled me to look up at her.

There it was again. Pity. But beyond that I saw understanding. I had the impression she knows what I am going through right now.

I was thankful i met her. She is the closest thing i had to a mother.

'Sarah...' Those words said so much.

'I'm fine.' I managed a weak smile.

'You know?' Jessica took a seat across my desk.

I know he loves her and I'm just a passing fling to him. I shrugged.

'It's for him to say...I-I can't really interfere.'

My eyes pleaded to her. My boss read those so clearly in my eyes and she relented with a hard, wretched sigh.

'Oh Sarah...Dear Sarah. You need to know, I dont want to hurt you but..' Jessica took a long, deep breath and she was calmer as she spoke again, 'I didn't know you are going to fall this deep. I've seen woman waltz out of his life and I thought...I never thought you'd be different.'

'Please Jessica.Just tell me.'

 'Marian De Lange...'She said with great reluctance.

I reconized the name. De Lange owns that fashion magazine. They're probably worth a million of bucks.

'...is Derrick's ex-fiance'

She watched for my reaction but seeing im not revealing any she continued, 'She was forced to break the engangement off and marry someone else. Derrick loved her Sarah it broke him when she went to marry someone else. Then they made an agreement, that's as far as i know. When Marian's business is finally settled, she's goanna have a divorce and they'll finally be together.'

'I-I see...' I didn't. I didn't know what to do. A bitter laugh escaped from me, my fate sucks.

'No...No you don't Sarah. It's all over the news this morning. I'm surprise Derrick didn't see it himself since his always so updated to when it concerns to Marian.'

My hands started shaking and i clutch them together so tight my nails dug into the skin.


'Sarah...Marian is filling for a divorce. She's going back to Derrick.'


I need to say this: that sexy photo in the cover? Not mine, found it on google image..i don't actually know who it belongs to but I feel like i need to say it. Thanks for the read and the votes ! lol..

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