Best Consultants Forever

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Chapter 10: Best Consultants Forever



"You aren't doing this alone! You have Amunet and I as your lovely consultants! Whenever you are making a decision, you have us to talk you through it. We got your back!" Jorgie comforted me. Amunet and I were over at Jorgie's for some Bachelorette planning/pep talk.

"Yeah and I'm lucky for that! But what if I don't like any of them? That ruins the whole purpose of the show!" I cried.

"You always have Mason, uwho's head-over-heels for you!" Amunet said.

"True." I admitted. Mason would be a perfect winner.

"Let's do some planning now. I say we write down all the boys' names and look them up online to see who we are even considering, and who's like...not for our Claire." Jorgie suggested. It was a brilliant plan so we did.















"All Mason's tweets are about hockey and retweets of love quotes. I say we put him in the 'considering' pile." Amunet reasoned. I nodded in agreement.

"You two make a great couple." Jorgie added.

"Next is Dylan. All his tweets are just funny things, pickup lines and about his cottage." Amunet read off the screen. "But he's cute."

"He seems pretty charming." I admitted.

"I say we give him a chance! In the 'considering' pile he goes!"

"Okay now Ben. He's a boy Directioner. All his tweets are about 1D. Literally all of them." Amunet wrinkled her nose in distaste.

"A little too feminine for me. And he's really ugly." Jorgie whispered.

"He's a little bit...wimpy." I agreed. "Not considering."


By the end of that whole thing, we agreed on considering half of the boys: Mason, Dylan, Shane, Garrett, Harry and Peter.

Tomorrow we would start filming the show and would film for 12 day for each boy to go home until I find a winner. Mr. Netson gave us all the instructions today and we were to launch right into filming immediately once the classes start. No lines to help me out. I now had no idea what to expect. This was a love show with a heck of a lot of twists!


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