Second Thoughts

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Chapter 22: Second Thoughts

"I feel like I barely see you anymore."

"I just have so much stress and things to think about with this show. To be honest, I can't wait for it to be over."

"But i thought we had a plan? I was going to be in the last two, you would choose the other boy instead of me, big surprise finale! Wow! And then we still date and everything is fine. I don't see what's so complicated about that unless you don't 100% want it like I do."

Walking home with Mason always leads to a serious talk these days.

"I do want that, Mase. You know I'm all yours. It's just frustrating that 2 boys are fakes and Maiyah thinks she is so smart and knows everything and I don't know who to send home now, and I feel really bad for Harry but for reason since he told me about the camp thing I actually feel really uncomfortable around him because I feel like he's kinda creepy but for sure very clingy and I feel honestly pressured to not send Harry home because I totally forgot he existed but I don't want to lead him on because I just can't see myself with him!" I turned to Mason. I could tell anything to him.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." He said, hugging me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered into him. He just kept hugging me.

"I have an idea to cheer you up!" He smiled.

15 minutes later, I was in Mason's basement sitting on the couch beside him.

"Are you cold? Do you want a blanket? We could share one if you want." He asked, holding up a blanket.

"Sharing one will be perfect, but I just really want to know what you have planned." I admitted. Mason smiled, and then held up a CD case. I looked at it.

"Glee Season 1." Mason announced proudly. "Or we could watch Mean Girls."

I smiled and laughed.

"I think Mean Girls will be perfect! You're the best, Mason!"

I was so lucky to have Mason. He knew me so well. And cuddled up with him, laughing at the jokes and eyes glued to the screen, I totally forgot about my drama as I watched the drama onscreen. This was why I love Mason.


"So who are you gonna pick? Mason right?" Amunet asked. I was on the phone with her.

"Still don't know honestly."

"Well, you and Dylan have had some pretty cute moments. Like that kiss, I felt like as I watching it, I was feeling it too. So intense. I want that with someone!"

"Yeah, he's a good kisser."

"Garrett's been kinda less-romantic, not really standing out anymore, though."

"I noticed that too, actually."

"I say if tomorrow he doesn't stand out anymore, you should put him in the bottom three. Just to try to hint that you're noticing he's slipping."

"Yeah, sounds good. What's weird is that I want him to be normal, romantic Garrett so I can put him back into top three, but at the same time I want him to just loose all charming aspects so I can just send him home without looking back. Does that make any sense?"

"Yes, it does to me. I know the hard part is starting now. At least you have Harry who you don't like, and you can say that your relationship started too late in the show to really reach the level that you needed. And then Shane is too shy for you, you need someone who brings out the more outgoing side in you. Two shy people isn't as ideal. And then Peter and you haven't really had a real moment that just...I think you still haven't reached that level that you and Dylan or Mason are at. And Peter is kinda immature with the Peter Pan stuff." Amunet was so logical when it came to boys. She made it sound so easy.

"Thanks, Amunet. You really helped. I still don't know who's gonna win though, to be honest."

"Claire. Obviously you should choose Mason. We know 100% that he is single, and not doing this for a grade because we knew he liked you from before the show. Everything he is, is legit. And hot. Just trust me on this one. Mason is Mr. Right!"

I always went to Amunet when it came to typical teen issues, she was so on-top of everything teenage girl. So I know I should trust her, and follow my plan with Mason. All this thinking is stressing me out.

I just want to be standing in that moment with my final boy, smiling and asking him to accept the Final Rose. And then kissing him and feeling so right.

But then after that moment with my winner, I have to pretend all feelings I had for him suddenly die and then run off with Mason, leaving the winner standing alone in the dust.

Maybe the plan isn't so great after all.


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