More Dates!

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Chapter 14: Day 3: More Dates!


"Lights! Camera! ACTION!"

"Welcome back to The Bachelorette! Today, Claire is back on another crazy group date, PLUS another lucky boy gets a one-on-one!" Melanie announced.

"Get ready for another episode of The Bachelorette!" Julia exclaimed, and they walked off the set.

Cameras rolled to me.

"Today, the boys and I are having a dodgeball competition!" I giggled. "I want to see everyone participating and having a good time! I'm taking Garrett on my one-on-one date."

We walked to the gym, where everything was set up. We divided into two teams and got ready to play. Since there were 10 of us, including me, we split into teams of 5.

"I'm on team blue!" I announced, and joined Ben, Alek, Mason, and Hakeed.

"THREE...TWO...ONE! Go!" I cried, as Mason and Alek raced to grab two dodgeballs and pass one to me and one to Dylan. We both fired at Harry at the same time, and missed him by half a centimetre. Harry smirked at us, but his lack of attention resulted in him getting smacked in the chest with a dodgeball.

"OUF!" He cried, and then sat down off of the court. Dylan and I decided to go for Jones next. We hit him on our first try.

"OH NO! THE PAIN! THE WOUND OF YOUR LOVED ONE SMACKING YOU WITH A DODGEBALL! HELP ME OFF THE COURT, SOMEONE!" He yelled dramatically. Harry dragged him off to the bench to sit beside him, as he calmly told him to stop yelling. It was pretty funny. I turn from watching Harry and Jones, and see Hakeed getting nailed by a ball, and then tripping and falling to the floor. I felt so bad for this boy, even though the image of his body fat jiggling after contact from the dodgeball seemed to be burned into my brain. I still offered him my hand to get up, and he shamefully pulled himself up and walked over to the bench to sit down. I again, refocused on the game. Dylan was smashing the dodgeballs mercilessly at the boys, and you could see him muscles flex as he threw them will all his might. I was impressed. Dylan smashed a ball off of Shane. Next was Peter. Then the game was over! I ran up to Dylan and gave him a big hug.

"That was great!" I exclaimed. He really did out-do himself.

The crew had arranged for us to use the staff lounge to shoot the second half of the group date, since there were couches we could use. There was one rose on the table for the 'group date' rose. The boys all sat down on the couch.

"Well, boys, that was a good game. Even though we kicked your butt." I joked. Dylan high-fived me and I giggled, but I noticed Mason rolling his eyes.

"Can I just say that Dylan was kind of hogging the I didn't even get a chance to touch it." Ben whined.

"Ben love touching balls. Especially One Direction's." teased Alek.

"I haven't gotten the chance yet but I swear I'm the most dedicated Directioner." Ben snapped.

"You're not. There's girls who buy 1D everything, blog about them all day, wait outside their hotel rooms and interviews just to see a glimpse of them! They waste endless hours daydreaming, writing Fanfics, trying desperately to get noticed by their idols. They save their money and beg for concert tickets, they are actually emotionally attached to these boys. They see themselves with them. But you probably only follow them on twitter, watch a few music videos and download the songs you like and then call yourself a Directioner. One Direction isn't your life! You probably think Larry Stylinson is a sixth member of the band! You probably are a carrot!" Alek yelled.

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