Remembering our first begining

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ok just saw the origin episodes and the volpina episode was so ugh!!! I hate her she's a little bitch sorry but my ships are canon and I like to keep it that way ok on with the story....

[Mari POV]

I was walking home from the hospital and my mom got akumatized because a couple of kids had ruined the shop again and she got tired of it when a boy came up and broke my window but now thinking about it it was all my fault... My bedroom window... My mom got akumatized because of Me it was always me and I knew my Lady Luck could only take me so far but damn can't it be useful for someone important! It seems like everyone I'm around gets a horrible life once they've met me well even chat noir broke down in tears because of me and heck! He didn't even know! Damn I want my life to end now I want to stop the suffering but speak of the devil here he is now

"MARI MARI are you alright I saw you mom was akumatized please tell me you ok!"

He suddenly hugged me IDFK what came over me I just needed someone so I corresponded the hug I was crying now and he took me to my house but he saw the posters of Adrien damn it! I forgot to take them out and well he saw them and had the most shocked look I ever saw on his face. Normally I take out the posters but with the whole break down as ladybug and my akumatized mom I didn't take them of

"heheheheheh oh u-uh umm er-"

thanks a lot sluter queen power!

"You must reeeeeeeeaaaaalllyyy like this boy Mari"

he looked at the fotos and I just smiled at the one he was holding it was an foto Alya took on the day we met

"I kinda hated him the first day we met although it's a really long story and I think your transformation will ware off before hand"

"don't ya mean be-furr purr-incess!"

Ugh I just groaned those puns were gona be the death of me I might die for lack of comedy syndrome

"plus I have a mask so I can undo my transformation and the cat-eared hoodie ya made for me!"

Right I gave him that not to long ago damn! Well what the hell she could have said no but she liked this story

"ok it all started 2 years ago......"

//////LE FLASH BACK//////

It was morning and I was gonna be late for her second half day of school and

(you never change do ya princess?)


she went to sit where Alya was but then as she was gona get to her seat in comes this boy blonde hair/ green eyes/ tall/ sorta tan-ish/ muscular/ HOT HOT HOT!

(REALLY MARI? I thought u liked me)

(I do but I had a crush on him remember!?)

And is fiddling around my seat and I takes a closer look at what he's fiddling with and it looks like gum

"what are you doing to my seat?"

"I-I'm sorry c-c-chloe was putting a piece of-"

"just *groan* real funny Chloe real funny and real mature and I bet you were her accomplice"


then Mrs. Bustier spoke up

"please take your seats and Adrien please sit next to Nino at the front"

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