Chapter 3

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(Lydia's POV)

I open my door, drop my bag and walk to my room like a zombie. Its like i can't think.. i don't know what I'm doing I'm in a state of shock and I'm not sane. Thankfully my dad isn't home, so i leave my door open when i take all my clothes off, pick up my phone and walk to the bath room. I set my phone on the floor beside the tub, turn on the bathtub water making sure its warm and let it run.

I then walk to my sink mirror and open it. I search through medication bottles until i find my shaving razor, I pull out the blades (Which were huge since i use the ultra thick kind because i get kinda hairy) and set them on the side of the bathtub. I return to the sink, yet again and run ice cold water, an run my wrists under it for a minute to try to freeze them. I turn the water off and step into the tub and sit down trying to calm my body.

I lean my head back against the edge of the tub and close my eyes breathing heavily. I start to have second thoughts.. Shut up, Lydia! You want this. This can take away the pain, you can see your mother again, don't you want to see her? You can be happy.but what about Chandler? Doesn't he make you happy? No, he makes me feel good, but I need to do this.. Wait.. Right after I say goodbye.

I take my phone from the side of the tub and look up his name, he added himself ass: Chandler <3. How cute. I tap on his name and the phone starts to ring.




"Hello?" His voice sounded like a love song to my ears.

"Bye Chandler, thank you for today.. Thank you for being there" This feels incredibly awkward.

"No problem. Ill always be here for you Lydia, but where are you going?"

I hang up the phone and set it to the side.

I take a blade from the side of the tub and lift it to my left wrist and press the blade on my veins. I take a deep breath and grit my teeth, preparing myself for the pain to come. And just like sliding a chain lock on an apartment door, I slide the blade across my wrist hard enough to hit some major blood veins. The pain is horrible, and i dont look at the blood, it would scare me too much so instead of going into dramatic detail about the drops of blood, I instead quickly do the same the to the other hand but its harder because my left hand is shaking so bad. When the slitting is done I drop the blade in the bath tub and let both of my hands fall into the water. I look down to see the red life drain out of me into the bath tub, andi was right, i did scare me. I start to feel light headed. The room spins a couple times and eventually my lights go out and I'm left there all alone to bleed.. When something wakes me up, someone is running downstairs and calling my name, but I don't have enough energy to stay awake. And at that moment I close my eyes fall into a deep sleep.

(Chandler's POV)

She hang up on me. Why is she hanging up on me? I know she's broken, fragile and hurt. I wish so bad I can just pick up the peices of her happiness and put them together. There's something about her I like. The fact that she doesn't show off her boobs and wear tons of makeup suggests she has self respect.. She's different and doesn't act perfect, I like different. Maybe there isn't such a thing as perfect, but she's the closest thing to it. I don't know why she wont let me in. Maybe this is new before.. No one really notices her.. Except for me.

Bye.. Bye.. She isn't.. She can't be. I turn around and charge back towards her house as fast as I can, I guess she finally had enough. Just wanting to end it so she doesn't have to go through it anymore. But I am here and I will love her when no one else does. I reach her house about 30 seconds later ( I'm a fast runner) and I swing open the door and start running through the kitchen, family room and hallways yelling her name with no reply. I see stairs, so I decide to run up them. "LYDIA!" My countless cries go unanswered. I run into the first room I see, which is the bathroom. and that's when i see it: I stare and her lifeless body lying in a pool of water and blood.

"LYDIA! NO.. NO" I never cry.. But this, i couldn't stop.

I run to her and pull her out of the tub from under her arms, when i try to layher on her back i notice she is nake. DONT LOOK, DONTT LOOK. I see she is still bleeding from both of her wrists, it might not be too late. I struggle to take off my over coat, but when I do I tie both sleeves tightly around her wrists to stop the bleeding. I search for my phone in my pocket an dial 911.

When the ambulance arrive they take her off and tell me i need to find my own way to the hospital. I'm left alone in her house, so I call Norman who is in Atlanta for a week and ask him to drive me to the Atlanta General Hospital. He hears the panic in my voice and agrees. About five minutes later he arrives at the house.

He pulls up beside the driveway on his red convertable, I rush to the car and jump in. As we are driving normal plays 'father' with me. " Now, who is this you so desperately need to see?"

"Lydia" I say a little distracted.

"Oh, you got yourself a lady?" he teases me.

"I.. I dont know. Can this thing go any faster?"

"Yeah, if you want a fine" he laughs to himself but im just not in the mood.

Finally after 20 minutes of Norman teasing me we finally arrive at the hospital. I walk into the hospital and it spells like rubbing alcohol and morphine. We walk up to the front desk and Norman claims Lydia as his immidiate family.

Norman and I sit in the hospital for what seems like forever before Dr. Yang walks into the waiting room, and heads in mine and Norman's direction. "Mr. Reedus" She smiles and shakes Norman's hand. 

"Is she okay, is she alive? What's wrong with her? Is she in depression?" I had so many questions, i guess i really do care.

"Calm down, boy and let the doctor talk"

Dr. Yang was asian and very young, she looked reallly tired and distressed with her hair in those messy buns like Lydia's. "Im afraid we have some bad news.. Lydia's de-"

A make voice cuts off Dr. Yang and points all of our heads in the voices direction "WHERE'S MY LYDIA!?" That must be her father, she's de? I guess that means dead..

** Thank you so much for reading! Don't forget to comment, vote and share<3 love you all!** #3 coming soon :)

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