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ZOE NEVER UNDERSTOOD THE APPEAL OF WEREWOLVES. It seemed as if every drifter she sees, were either involved or previously involved with a werewolf. And of course, every once in a while she will come across a hot head werewolf that can't accept their death which just adds more reasons to her distaste.

Drifters is what Zoe calls the dead she sees. Early on the brunette came to terms with the supernatural due to everyone she sees either are apart of it or died from another supernatural creature. Zoe's dislike for werewolves started right when Peter Hale killed her. The suffering teenage blames the Hale werewolf for every ounce of grief she feels when she sees another person she knew dead.

What Zoe didn't know is that Peter used her death , with the help of a banshee, as a life line to bring himself back. He used her tie to the dead as a loophole that allowed him to continue to make snarky comments and wear fitted V-necks. The troubled girl has no idea the amount of power she holds. The Benefactor. Who ever it is, knows the amount of power inside of Zoe waiting to be let out. That's why they make her the number one hit list target at 29 million.

What Zoe did know is the drifters she sees need her help get their own closure to be able to move on into the light. Allison Argent. She appeared to Zoe very distraught and lost. She was another one of many young teenagers that Zoe encountered that had a too-short of a life due to the supernatural. Zoe tried everything she could to help Allison move onto the light while still living in Nevada, but for Allison to move on, she would have to go back to Beacon Hills.

Beacon Hills was a featured place in Zoe's nightmares. The town is honest to God a beacon of death and strife. So many drifters have come from that small town it's insane. And of course, Zoe's middle-school crush Stiles Stilinski has become involved with the supernatural being the nosy boy he is. Erica and Zoe were great friends once they bonded over the fact they were both in love with the amber-eyed boy. Stiles was always a bit clueless.

Seeing Erica was a grief filled time for Zoe. She could not believe how much she missed once she left Beacon Hills. Not only was her friend a werewolf, but shes dead. Despite Zoe being already dead, seeing Erica killed her inside. When Erica finally went into the light after being reunited with Vernon Boyd, Zoe had finally accepted that Beacon Hills is way different now then from how she left it. Her death was the beginning of many other deaths, and supernatural creatures in Beacon.

So when Allison tells Zoe that her friends need her help in Beacon Hills, lets just say that Zoe was not happy. After telling her father, Dean, that she wants to move back to Beacon to feel closer to mother, he can't refuse her request.

Zoe is coming back to the hills. Where she is worth 29 million, but to Stiles, shes worth much, much more.


/ 536 Words unedited /


Hope you guys like it! I would really like your guys feedback; comment how you feel about me redoing the story/plot ect.

dedicated to lunarcompulsion bc she is literally so funny and such a good writer I swear to god you guys should check her out


xx Kayla


I don't own the plot line to teen wolf; I only own Zoe and Dean Fawcett and any other original characters within the story. TRUST ME IF I OWNED TEEN WOLF DEREK AND ISAAC WOULD BE BACK AND ALLISON AND AIDEN WOULDN'T BE DEAD OMG NOW IM SAD OK BYE

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