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ZOE SAT IN THE PASSENGER SEAT OF DEAN'S CAR LOOKING ANNOYED AS EVER. Today was the day that Dean was dreading while Zoe was excited to finally be able help Allison find her peace and go into the light. And maybe she was a little excited to see a certain buzz cut boy she can't help but think about from time to time. Zoe just didn't expect Aiden to try out all his favorite pick up lines on her the whole four hour car ride.

"Hey Zoe, Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because, I can see myself in your pants." Aiden smirks leaning up against the center console from the back seat. After watching Zoe roll her blue eyes and stick out her tongue at him he laughs, "Hey, I thought that was a good one. Guess I'll try another."

"No more!" Zoe yelps out, having enough after an hour of pick up lines, turning around to face Aiden.

"Huh? Are you alright Zoe?" Dean questions looking over at Zoe confused about his daughters sudden outburst.

"Oh. Yeah, of course just uh--no more of this song!" Zoe states referring to midnight memories playing softly in the background, "Uh, I can't handle listing to One Direction anymore. You know? Since Zayn just up and left like that? Remember how I cried dad?" The brunette rambles trying to cover her slip up while Aiden just chuckles from the backseat.

"Smooth sweet cheeks, real smooth." Aiden jokes as he sees Zoe's face heating up from embarrassment. She usually can restrict herself from slipping up and talking to drifters in front of the living, but Aiden always finds a way to get under her skin.

Dean shudders remembering the mess his daughter was in and looks back at road before changing the station so a Adele song begins to fill the car.

"You know Zoe-Zoe," Aiden states, "I have some great One Direction pick up lines you just gotta hear."

The annoyed brunette groans and bangs her head against the window already knowing the next three hours of the car ride will be torture.


"I PROMISE I WONT BE GONE LONG DAD." Zoe asserted trying to convince her dad to let her go to the woods after finishing unpacking their things at their old home, "I just really need to clear my head."

"Zoe, the last time you went into the Beacon woods to clear your head you almost died," Dean exclaims, "I think you can see where my hesitance comes from."

"I won't die dad." Zoe states thinking about the fact she is already dead. She slowly looks around her house and thinks about all the good times she had there as a kid-- when she was alive. Feeling tears starting to form, Zoe sharply turns and walk to the front door where her favorite huntress is waiting for her. "See you later, okay?"

"Yeah okay." Dean states while walking up to his old liquor cabinet and grabbing the strongest liquor he could find. It's Beacon Hills. He's gonna need it.



"You'll recognize it once you see it." Allison vaguely states while pulling her along the dirt trails of the woods dodging hanging branches despite the fact she can phase right through them. Allison is one of the many drifters that tend to act like they are still living.

Zoe tries to keep up while taking in the green scenery around her. She spent a lot of her childhood playing in the forest with Erica pretending they were the queen's of the woods. Zoe darkly chuckles at the memory before tuning back in when she noticed that Allison is talking to her.

"Please don't be mad. One of my friends is here. We will be in and out." The huntress cautioned. Thats when Zoe finally realized where she was at. Where her mother and many others died. The Hale House. "No." Zoe argued, "I can't be here."

"Please. Derek is really confused right now he needs your help." Allison argued right back.

"Fine. In and out. I'll just be right in, then right out." Zoe tries to convince herself while walking up to the house that now look like a pile of rocks with a fence around it. She notices someone sitting on a big piece of foundation with his head in his hands. Zoe slipped through a bent piece of the fence before calling out to him, "Hey!"

The boy looked up and Zoe could finally get a good look at his handsome features. "Do you know what happened here?" He asked the gorgeous blue-eyed brunette he just couldn't take his eyes off.

"Tell him you don't. He doesn't have any memory right now Zoe" Allison whispers.

"No, I don't. I just moved back here. I'm Zoe by the way." "Derek." he replied by the time Zoe finally reached him and was standing in front of him. Zoe smiled at him before hearing police sirens and her smiled dropped immediately realizing their both trespassing.

"Excuse me, young man and women?" They both hear an officer call out.

"Your calling them young?" Another one asked.

"Shut up, Haigh."

"Sorry, but you can't be here." The nicer of the two states.

"Hey, dumbasses. You ever hear of no trespassing?" Haigh barks which makes Zoe want to punch him in the nose.

"This is my house." Derek softly replies looking at Zoe quickly then back at the officers.

"Nobody's been here for years, kid." The officer said. While Derek just looks even more lost and confused.

"Now get the hell out of here." Haigh commands trying to act all high and mighty.

"Are you guys all right?We can help you two if something's wrong." The other one replies. Zoe rolls her eyes at the display of good cop, bad cop.

"We're both fine. We were just going to get going so-" Zoe manages to say before Derek interrupts her, "What happened to my house?Where's my family? Where's my mother?"

"Derek" the brunette harshly whispers back, "I was about to get us out of this!" Derek gives Zoe his cutest puppy eyes while Allison chuckles watching everything play out, "Huh. Derek and cute are two things I thought I would never say in a sentence together."

Zoe looks over to Allison not realizing Haigh came over to grab her arm. It all happened so fast, Derek then throws out a right hook directed at Haigh and is then is in a defensive stance front of Zoe. "Don't touch her." He growls out. And that's the last thing Zoe can remember before electricity is pulsing through her body and her vision goes dark.


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okay so that all just happened. Honestly aiden is my cinnamon roll and you can count on him showing up quite a few times. Next chapter Zoe will see stiles I REPEAT ZOE WILL SEE STILES. Okay I'm vv excited if you can't tell!

remember to leave feedback I wanna know your guys thoughts about the story and all that AND THANK YOU FOR 1K READS ALREADY!!!

xx kayla

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