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"ZOE-ZOE I NEVER TOOK YOU FOR A BAD GIRL, YOU KNOW IT'S KINDA HOT." Aiden jokes looking over at a younger Derek and Zoe handcuffed to a bench in the sheriff's station. After seeing Zoe's killer glower at him, he raises his arms in a defensive manner and vanishes out of the station laughing.

"I'm sorry about this. It's my fault you're in here too." Derek mumbles to the brunette next to him. "It's fine, I mean it's always been on my bucket list to get arrested." Zoe responds with a reassuring smile.

"Really?" Derek questions furrowing his eyebrows together. "No. I'm just trying to make you feel better" Zoe laughs bumping her shoulder with Derek's. Derek let out a chuckle before the nice, also very hot as Zoe observed, deputy came over to the two teenagers.

"The other deputy thinks I'm an idiot for even asking, but I have a feeling if I take your cuffs off, you guys are going to be okay? And I think you two will help us figure out what happened to his family so that we can get you both out of here. Am I right?" He asked.

"Yes. Now can you please take these cuffs off, they're pinching me." Zoe complains while holding out her hands. Derek just smiles at her before shaking his head saying, "The other deputy's the idiot."

" I can't argue with that," he responds chuckling. "Parrish, get over here. I ran this kid's prints eight times. This is all that comes up." The boor, Haigh demands.

"Derek Hale?" Parish questions while the sheriff walks in asking, "Did you say Hale?" The sheriff looks at the computer screen, then back at Derek and Zoe. After doing so multiple times, he walks over to the two teenagers before crouching in front of Derek.

All of a sudden, Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski run into the sheriff's station the later of the two seeming out of breath. "I'll handle this" The sheriff states before beckoning the two boys into his office.

On their way to the office, Stiles notices the brunette teen picking at her black nail polish looking utterly bored. "Zoe? Zoe Fawcett?" He questions. Zoe's head immediately shot up her with ocean blue eyes connecting with his gold amber eyes. "Stiles?" she manages to ask before Stiles gets dragged into his fathers office with his mouth gaping open like a fish.

"Whats his deal?" Derek wonders aloud looking at the door they all disappeared into.

"Honestly, no one ever knows what his deal is." Zoe murmurs staring at the door in wonder. She only had one thought going through her head, When the hell did Stilinski get so hot?


ZOE ALWAYS THOUGHT STILES WAS CUTE. Her childhood crush consisted of her and Erica giggling at sleepovers over his moles and cute buzz cut. But now, when Zoe looks at Stiles, she sees someone who has gone through so much and come out alive. And because of that, Zoe doesn't only think of him in a superficial perspective anymore.

Sure, she thinks Stilinski is as hot as the sun with his grown out hair and biceps but she respects him for managing to one of the few humans she knows that can live with the supernatural apart of their life. In a way, Zoe is somewhat jealous of how he is can still be alive for years of being in the know of the supernatural, while she died on the first day of becoming involved.

Zoe sighs and finally starts listening to Scott talk to Derek. "Why would we go anywhere with you?" Derek countered. "Derek there was an accident. You lost some memory, but we can help you get it back." Scott informed.

Derek sighs looking over at Zoe and tries to discreetly grab her hand. Zoe looked over at Derek and smiled and laced their fingers together hoping to edge away his uneasiness. "How much memory?" Derek question.

"A lot. But you can trust us." Scott promised while looking over at Stiles, who's gaze was zeroing in on the two's clasped hands. Scott uneasily looked over at Zoe knowing he would have to expose himself to her to get Derek to trust him. 

"Tell Scott you know." Allison whispers into Zoe's ear after making her appearance known. "I know Scott and the only way he would think Derek would trust him is showing him he is an alpha. Tell him."

"Scott--it's okay I know" Zoe announced which caused looks of disbelief on both Scott and Stiles faces, "Just do what you have to do."

Scott then flashes his blood-red alpha eyes at Derek who looks at him in shock. "You're an Alpha." he observed. "Okay, who are you?And who is he? Who are you?" Derek rapid fired questions.

"Oh, we're the guys keeping you two out of jail." Stiles retorted. While Scott went with a nicer route, "Let us help you." Zoe rolls her eyes at another display of good-cop bad-cop. It seems as if it's a Beacon Hill custom. "No. " Derek snapped back.

"Okay, dude, you almost tore apart two cops back there." Stiles tried to reason. "Hey, he was just trying to protect me." Zoe tired her hardest to defend the memory-lost teenager.

"You two still need to listen us." Scott says. "And Derek that starts with no fangs, no claws, no wolf man. You got that?" Stiles sasses.

" I'm fine as long as it's not on a full moon." Derek mumbles. "You still have trouble with the full moon?" Zoe questioned Derek concerned. The teen wolf looks into her eyes and gives her hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'm fine. I'm getting better, I promise"

"All right, you coming with us or not?" Stiles asks interrupting the two teenagers stare off.

"You know, you and Stiles would be cute together. Have you ever thought of that?" Allison observed. Zoe just gives Allison a look, and unlaces her fingers from Derek and starts to plays with the fabric of her maroon skater skirt. "I knew it" Ally smirks.

"You want me to trust you? Where's my family?" Derek growls out sick of not knowing whats happening to his family.

"Zoey, you better grab your popcorn, this is gonna be good." The fallen huntress contaminates. "There was a fire.And...They're not here anymore. They're fine.Just had to move out of Beacon Hills.And we're going to take you to them as soon as we figure out how to get your memories back." Scott lies between his teeth trying to keep a steady heartbeat.

Derek lets out a large exhale before standing up and holding his hand out to help pull Zoe up. "Okay."


[1155 words unedited]

okay straight up I need a ship name for Stiles and Zoe, so comment some down below and I will dedicate chapter three to whoever comes up with my favorite!

hope you guys enjoyed, as always comment your thoughts love yah all
xx kayla

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