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 “There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.”  ― Sarah Dessen

   Love Is a funny thing. It can happen over a long period of time, or it can crawl up on you out of no where. Sometimes even the strongest love you think will last forever ends up crumbling to peices. Sometimes you end up loving something you would have never imagined you could have feelings for..

    Oh I'm sorry! Where are my manners? Let me introduce myslef. My name is Shaylee Carter. Im 16 years old as of.. well, now. I live in Sequim, Washington, the same place I've lived in my whole life. Hell I've even lived in the same house, same bedroom as I have since I was born. I live in my house with my parents Gary and Paula. I have two older sisters who have already moved out and started their own families. Each of them married by the time they were 23. One of them even has children of her own. Although they seem extremley happy about their life, it's not the life I would have chosen for myslef. Don't get me wrong I plan on having my own family some day, but I want to live my life first. I want to travel across the country, or even better the world before I even think about marriage.

   But as far as my life right now? There's really not much to it. I'm your average teenage girl. Music, Tumblr, and reality television are my favortie pass times. I plan on marrying a member of One Direction, I dont even care which one.

   But most importantly my best friends mean the world to me. There's four of them to be exact. First there's Mackenzie. She moved here to old Sequim when I was about seven. Some how are moms knew eachother and forced us to play together. Me being two years older I wanted nothing to do with her, but turns out we ended up becoming super close and I can't even imagine my life without her.

    Next comes Keaton. He's also two years younger than I am, which is great because he's like the awkward little brother I've always wanted. Then there's Drew. Drew's really hard to explain in a few words so I'm not even going to try. He's like the wise older brother of the group. If you need advice about anything Drew is the perfect person to talk to.

     Last but totally not least is Wesley Trent Stromberg,. Wes is one of those friends you don't even remember making they've just always been around. Although they are all my best friends Wes is my best friend, if that makes any sense at all. Wes is the perfect friend that most girls dream of having in their lives, and for whatever reason I got lucky enough to be his best friend too. Wesley has always been such a special person in my life, and I plan on it staying that way for forever. Mackenzie is convinced Wes and I will be married one day. But that's ridiculous, he's my bestfriend. It's not like I have feelings for him anyway.. Right? Ugh. Whatever. 

   So that's basically it. My life is pretty boring... That is until about two years later when I find myslef experiencing some Unexpected Love..

Unexpected Love. (A Wesley Stromberg/ Emblem3 FanFic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora