Chapter 1

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2 years later.

   Wake up, wake up, wake up, Sleeping Beauty. Open your eyes, Open your eyes...

   I do not want to get up right now. And yeah so what my alarm is one of my best friends' songs. That's not weird is it? 

  Yes you read right. I'm best friends with Emblem3, but it's not like I only became friends with them because of their fame. I've known those losers since as long as I can remember. I've been with them through it all. From the eyebrow piercings, to their first gig, them moving to California, and every single one of their X Factor performances.. 

  I got up from my bed and walked to the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror brushing my teeth and  looked at my reflection, almost disgusted with my morning appearance. I turned on my curling iron and waited for it to heat up.

    This is it, I thought to myself. This is the day I've been waiting for since my first day of high school. Graduation day.

  Most people are sad when it comes to graduating. Not me. I've never enjoyed high school. I didn't hate it, but for me is was more of a chore, rather than an 'experience' as some people call it. I was just one of those students who passed through all four years without making much of an impact on anything.

   I curled my hair until it looked decent enough to go out in public. I finished it off by spraying hairspray throughout my hair, ending up in me coughing because of the fumes. "Damn girls and our need to look good." I mumbled to myself. Next I started doing my makeup. Nothing too special, just my usual look which consisted of: mascara, eye liner, eyeshadow and face nonsense that I'm not even sure what it's called.

   I walked to my closet and got out everything I would be wearing today. First I put on my short, mint green, chevron stripped dress. It had 3/4 sleeves and ended just above the knee. Next I grabbed my navy blue cap and gown. I slipped the gown over my dress and placed the cap on my head, careful not to mess up my hair. Lastly I put on my black platform heels. I gave myself one last look in the mirror satisfied with my appearance.

    I walked down stairs to see my dad sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading the paper. He looked up just as I stepped off the last step. He smiled and said  "Well look at you,"  he started "You're all grown up."  I smiled in return and bent down to hug him around his neck.  

   "Oh my goodness," i hear from behind me. I turn around to see my mom staring at me with tears in her eyes. I walk over to her and give her a hug before she starts actually crying. "You look stunning," she whispered into my ear. 

    "Thanks mom," I smiled at her. "Are you guys ready to go? It's almost time to leave and we have to pick up Mac on the way." They both nodded and got everything they needed. We walked out the door and over to the car. I was nearly in the car when my mom shouts at me.

   "Wait Shay hang on, we forgot to take a picture of you!' I rolled my eyes, but I got out of the car anyway knowing I had no other option but to take the picture.

    Once that was all done we headed to Mac's house. I texted her when we got there letting her know we were out front. The front door opens and she walks out wearing a floral high-low dress with some nude wedges. Her blonde hair was straightened to perfection, as usual. She opened the door to the car and got in. "Happy graduation day. It's so weird that you're graduating. You're so old," she said with a smirk, "I think I see a little bit of gray hair under that cap."

     "Oh shut up Mackenzie, you're graduation day will be here before you know it."

     For the rest of the ride we mostly stayed quiet, only a few comments here and there. When we arrived my dad parked and we all got out and walked up to the building. "Well this is where we go our separate ways. I'll see you all on stage,"  I say to everyone. I hug my parents and both of them wish me good luck and head off to their seats.

     Lastly I hug Mackenzie and when I pull away. She has a smile on her face that I know all too well. It's the smile she has when she's hiding something from me. "Why are you smiling like that?" I ask my best friend.

   "What are you talking about?" she replies nonchalantley.

     "I know you're hiding something. You have that look you get when you want to tell me something exciting."

     "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just happy for my best friend on this special day in her life," she replies in her ever so perky voice. Before I could reply she turns around and walks in the direction of her seat. I guess I'll find out later then.

    I made my way to my seat and sat down. Luckily I was on the edge so I didn't have to walk in between many people to get to my spot. Erica Chapman was next to me due to our last names being so close in the alphabet. I think in all four years of high school I've had a total of two classes with her, and she's always seemed like a pretty cool person.

     "Isn't this crazy? I mean us being here? On our graduation day. I still remember the first day of freshman year like it was yesterday!" Erica remarked.

     "I know what you mean," I start, "I mean don't get me wrong I'm more than happy it's finally here, but I doesn't seem like it should be." She agreed with me and then started talking to the guy next to her. Leaving me to my thoughts. I hadn't checked my phone all day so I figured now would be a good time to look. I pulled it of my pocket seeing that I had five new messages.

  From Granddad: "Congratulations on graduating today, sorry me and grammy couldn't make it. Love you." I texted him back telling him it was okay they couldn't make it. They both lived on the other side of the country and with them being older it's hard for them to travel.

  From Mackenzie: "I can see your gray hairs from all the way up here." I laughed quietly to myself before sending a reply.

 To Mackenzie: "Shut up bitch. Where are you guys anyway?"

 The Next three were all from the guys.

From Drew: "SHAYLEE. I can't believe you're graduating today! I'm so proud of you. I'm super bummed we couldn't make it to the ceremony, but I'm so stoked I get to see you in FOUR DAYS.  Love you Shay!"

From Keaton: "Hi. Don't trip and fall on stage. Sorry we couldn't make it. :("

From Wesley: "Hey Shayleeeeeeeeeeee! I can not believe my beautiful best friend is graduating today! I wish I could be down in those seats graduating with you. JUST KIDDING I'm so glad I didn't have to finish school. hahaha. But seriously I wish I could be there in the stands supporting you, like you've always supported me. I love you Shay and I can't wait to see youin a couple of days. :)"

    That last one made me tear up a little bit. I quickly wiped them away and sent them all a reply basically saying 'It's alright I understand you couldn't make it, love you too.' I put my phone away ready for the ceremony to begin.

   After what seemed like hours it was finally my turn to walk across the stage. They called my name over the speakers and I made my way to my principal to get my diploma. Just as i shook his hand and started to walk off I heard a yell.

    "Yeah Shay! You fucking rule!" 

Unexpected Love. (A Wesley Stromberg/ Emblem3 FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now