1: Discussion

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Russia watched America, having this odd gut feeling that something was wrong with America and his smiling figure. America noticed his stare of confusion, worry, and frustration(from trying to figure out what's wrong) and gulped.

"Yo, Russia, you okay dude?" America asked, all eyes turning to Russia.

"Huh? Oh, da, everything is fine, America..." Russia answered.

"Hmm... if you say so." America mumbled, tears in his eyes.

That was what Russia needed. America started crying and he dropped whatever he had and ran away.

"Good going, git. You made the poor man cry." England growled.

"Oui, America doesn't need you ruining his speeches. No matter how stupid they may seem." France agreed.

"Excuse me, da?" Russia said, keeping as calm as he could.

"Go ahead, get out of here, you bloody wanker." England rudely excused.

Russia rolled his eyes in slight anger and headed to where America was. He found America in the bathroom sticking his fingers in his mouth making himself throw up the burgers he was eating a few minutes ago. Russia stared at him in shock then he knelt down and hugged America.

"W-wha?" America questioned, coughing and spitting the remains of the barf into the toilet.

"You're sad, da...?" Russia mumbled.

"N-No..." America lied, sniffling.

"Don't lie, America..." Russia requested.

"I'm not lying..." America said, flushing the toilet and turning to Russia.

Russia looked up at him with puppy eyes, America giving in.

"F-Fine! I am sad! Depressed more like!" America sobbed as he hugged Russia.

"The teens of your nation are depressed, da...?" Russia whimpered.

"Yes! They are!" America cried, hugging Russia tightly as Russia stroked America's back.

"I see... while you're like this, you should stay home from now on, da?" Russia suggested.

"I... I guess I should...." America said, choking back another sob.

"Let it all out, America..." Russia ordered sympathetically.

America's shoulders raised a bit and he let out a loud cry as he sobbed harder than before into Russia's shoulder. England kicked open the door and saw America like that and automatically jumped to a conclusion.

"OI! Get off America you bloody git!" England yelled kicking Russia away, Russia hitting the wall and curling up in pain. "Deal with him, frog. I'll take America to his home for some rest."

"Alright, mom ami." France responded, Russia looking up at France who kicked him and punched him.

When France was done with the beatings, Russia was bleeding on the floor and he fell into a slumber from the pain.

~Russia's dream~

Russia strolled through the dim hallway of his mansion, sighing sadly. His Baltics had left him and he was very lonely. He heard slight gagging from the other room, making him curiously walk into that room. He saw America. He had begun to hang himself and Russia picked up the chair he kicked away and set it under America's feet, America looking at him weakly.

"Russia...? Why...?" America mumbled.

"I don't want you to die, you're too special for death. England would be heartbroken, and every nation would be mourning you." Russia explained.

"What about you...?" America asked.

"I'd... I'd kill myself to be with you, either that or I'd lock myself in my room never coming out, even for food or water." Russia confessed.

"You would? I... I know that people care now, I know you care now... I just wanna say thank y-" America began.


America fell limp as blood poured from his head as a murderer with a gun ran off. Russia screamed and tried to wake America up, only succeeding in failure. Russia broke into sobs. "America... NO!!!!!!!"

~End of dream~

Russia woke up sobbing and every nation that liked him, including America, was huddled around him.

"Russia, dude, are you alright?! You were freaking me out, you kept saying 'America no...' and 'I'd kill myself to be with you' and junk like that, what the hell were you dreaming of?" America worriedly asked.

Russia stared at him and the image of a noose around America's neck took place in Russia's mind and he hunched over shaking and sobbing.

"Russia?!" America shrieked, rushing to Russia's side as Russia continued sobbing.

"America... don't ever try to kill yourself, da?" Russia cried quietly.

"Wha... were you dreaming about... me killing myself?" America asked wide eyed.

A nod was the answer.

"Oh man, Russia why would you dream of that?" America asked obviously in shock.

"I don't know..." Russia choked out.

"Just one question... what do you think of this?" America asked, showing scars on his wrist to Russia who started screaming and crying.

"Why the hell would you do this?!" Russia cried.

"I-I thought no one cared...!" America stammered back.

"I care!" Russia screamed, silencing everyone.

Russia got up pushing through the crowd of people and he ran away to the entrance door, only being pushed by England and France as they started beating him up. After about five minutes, a scream of rage sounded through the building.

"Leave Russia alone!" America screamed.

"America, don't tell me you actually care for this git." England groaned.

"I do care about him, he's done nothing wrong to us. Sure, he may seem scary, but that doesn't mean he is. He's actually a really caring guy. If you actually live to hurt this poor nation friend of mine," America began, helping Russia up as Russia leaned on him. "then get the hell away from me. Russia never did anything to us. When he saw me feel down yesterday, he was smart enough to notice that. When I ran away crying, he came to me and helped me. When I found him crying in his sleep, he let me know what happened. It's my turn to return the favor. Besides, anyone who hurts my friends can go and get out of my damn life. So leave me and Russia the fuck alone you two."

England and France stood speechless and America walked away with Russia.

"You... meant all of that?" Russia asked, shocked.

"Hell yeah, I care about you dude. It's only respectful to care for someone that cares about you. Besides that, we're friends. It's what friends do." America explained, smiling at Russia who smiled back.

"So... we're friends now, da?" Russia asked.

"Correct! I'm glad we're friends, we now have each other's backs. Right?" America said smiling.

"Right... I have your back." Russia calmly said smiling.

"That's perfect. Thanks." America replied.

"You're welcome." Russia replied.

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