Ch 1 Part 1: The Jade Tribe

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Vigilantly, I stretched my bow's golden string back and aimed

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Vigilantly, I stretched my bow's golden string back and aimed. No way. I could never hit that rabbit. Not in a million years. For several reasons: First, I didn't have the heart to murder an adorable, helpless creature. Second, they didn't even taste good, so it was useless to me. And third, I couldn't possibly hit it. Not with this bow, or this aim. Yet anyway, I released the arrow. The golden arrow, decorated with shamrock green feathers, shot off through the woods, darting in between, under, and above trees, branches, and bushes. The arrow pierced the rabbit's heart. Gasping, I hurried to it and saw that it was dead. Sniffling, I threw it into my game bag stomped back to camp.

Mirror was right. This bow and these arrows were enchanted. They could hit anything you aimed for. Mirror was my handsome, dark-haired ally, but nobody thought we were true, good friends. Everyone thought we both hung out so much because we had to. We were part of the Jade Tribe. Mirror and I were partners for hunting and fighting. Even though we appeared as simple, assigned partners, I desired to be more. I loved Mirror.

There were four tribes in the country of Atenica

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There were four tribes in the country of Atenica. The Sapphire, the Gold, the Diamond, and the Jade Tribe. We all used to be a united country until the Quarrel of Atenica. The King of Atenica, King Kraven, wanted to start a war to conquer and own Redente. Many of his advisors and wise men refused to start a war when they had a country with everything: mountains, rivers, valleys, deserts, forests, mines and a variety of animals and plants. Insistently, King Kraven argued and quarreled with the advisors when finally they decided to have the kingdom vote. There were two choices for voting: Try to  take Redente by negotiating and compromising, or fight to conquer Redente. One half of the country actually voted while the other half ignored the pointless vote. The two quarters that had voted, voted for the different choices, therefore it was a tie. But one fourth of the country that hadn't voted, wanted to rebel against the king, since he was greedy and selfish. Not agreeing on anything, the country split up into these four tribes. The Diamond Tribe had voted to negotiate with Redente. And the Sapphire Tribe, which had King Kraven as their ruler, had voted to fight for Redente.

We were the tribe that wanted a new king, faithful and fair. I wished to be allies with the Gold Tribe, who lived in the Atenica deserts. They had not voted at all. With humility and peace, they tried to stop the war by spreading God's word, but everyone turned them away, mocking and laughing at them. My tribe said we could trust no one, not even the Gold Tribe, while we lived in the woods. The Jade Woods.

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