Ch 1 Part 2: The Jade Tribe

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We decided to keep strolling through town. We both said nothing. We didn't want to. I was only thinking about the decision I had made. Ha I not done the right thing? My thoughts were interrupted by a high-pitched scream.

Mirror and I followed the scream and found a middle-aged man beating a girl, who looked a year older than me.

"Get the guards!" I yelled to Mirror. I hurried over towards the man, who when he saw me, started to run away. The girl ran in the opposite direction. But the man was getting away. I couldn't let him get away. Not after what he had done to that girl. I whipped out my bow, and aimed for his head. I pulled back my arrow and...wait. I couldn't murder this man. Could I? That would be...unlike me to do so. I wanted the boy hung, but that was because I wouldn't be the one hanging him. Someone else would. Now...I didn't know if I wanted to kill this man. Not myself.

I lowered my aim and shot his leg, so that he fell to the ground. The guards came in time, and arrested the man. I searched for the girl, but she was gone. Then Mirror approached me, smirking.

"You missed his head," he said, casually.

I stared at him, puzzled.

"I'm kidding," he laughed. "You purposely aimed for his leg. I'm just surprised, I guess. You have a weird way to deal with penalty, Robin."

He was...quite right. He at least had a point. I had a...a different way of dealing with justice and the penalty for a crime. But maybe my way of justice was the right way. Wasn't it? Yes. It was. When there's a crime, there's a punishment. I'm not the one to give that punishment, though.

"Come on," Mirror said, tapping me. "Let's keep walking. It's still light out." His dark eyes shimmered.

I smiled, seeing how eager he seemed to stay with me. Then, to make things even more amazing, he took my hand and led me onward. I pursed my lips to hide my joy and quickly looked down at my feet, hoping Mirror wouldn't see my reaction.

"You're face is rose pink, Robin!" he teased, laughing.

I threw my hand on my face and felt how warm they were and blushed even more.

"Mirror!" I shrieked, grinning sheepishly.

"Sorry!" he held his head up high and I realized he wasn't holding my hand anymore. He was running his hand through his neat black hair. I realized he actually had a little bit of a beard and sideburns. They made him look more stunning, along with his tough arms.

We continued our stroll as the sun started to sink into the horizon. The blue sky and white clouds were turning crimson, violet and amber. There was no wind, but the air was refreshing and cool. It had been a wild day. I was just glad I spent it with Mirror.

Passing by a little shop, I couldn't help but notice its peculiar name. With Heart. With heart and curiosity, I entered and found myself in a large, empty room where a kind-looking, old woman sat in her rocking chair. When I asked what she was selling, she sighed.

"Shoes. Just shoes."

Where? There was nothing here.

"Could I see some?"

Slowly, she rose and exited to the backroom. Mirror and I exchanged glances. My curiosity nagged at me. If this woman really did sell shoes, there had to be something special about them. Something secret. Or she was just a weird, old lady who sold shoes for a living. Maybe I was hoping for an adventure. Well, I desired adventure. I tried to find one wherever I went, but none of the tribes ever attacked us. We were always bored out of our minds trapped in Jade Woods.

We had been waiting so long, the sun was setting. I realized my hands were soaked with sweat from clenching my gold bow. Its story ran through my head. Late at night before my birthday, Mirror snuck out of our tent and ventured into town to buy a gift for me. He had taken all of his money with him, to spend just on me. To his disappointment every single store was closed. Every owner had gone home for the night. Angry, but also melancholy, Mirror marched through town determined to find something.

Noticing a blacksmith snoozing on his bench, Mirror shook him awake and whispered harshly, "What are you selling?" Confused, the disturbed man mumble something about returning tomorrow but Mirror refused.

"Make it yourself!" he insisted.

But Mirror didn't know what to craft. Then, remembering how I always wanted to try archery, he got set to craft a bow; a bow made out of his own gold coins that he was going to spend. When it was finished, he began modeling golden arrows. Realizing he had no feathers he pondered where to find them. Suddenly, a strange, little bird with bright green feathers, landed on the windowsill and fell to the ground lifeless. A gift from Heaven itself. Mirror sewed the emerald feathers onto the end of the arrow and made his way home. But while walking, he stopped to admire a willow tree stretching above him. He marveled silent at it when suddenly, a drop of morning dew fell from the tree onto the bow. And at that second, the morning rays of sleepy sun burst through the branches of the willow. That's why Mirror told me that this bow was enchanted. And that's when I laughed at him. Suddenly, as I clutched my golden bow in my sweaty hand, I realized there were letters engraved in it. They were on the arrows, too. How had I not realized this before? The letters spelled out "Justice." Justice?

At that moment, the old woman wobbled into the store and held up some old brown dancing shoes. Disappointed, my eyebrows narrowed. The ribbons were rags, the toes were torn, and the inside was sticky with mud. Not wanting to offend the lady, I replied cheerfully, "They're beautiful! Unique, really! I've...never seen anything like them!"

She raised her head and grinned at me. Motioning me to the back room, Mirror and I exchanged glances, and decided to follow. After going down a long staircase, we were all cramped into a tiny, dark room. Then the woman locked the door. I started to shake intensely. It's not that I was afraid of this pitch black darkness.

I had claustrophobia.

Gasping for breath, I desperately tried to open the locked door. When I couldn't, I immediately started banging on it.

"Mirror, do something," I whispered, choking for air in the tiny, musty room. I found a candle and lit it. There were a few beds, a table with four chairs, and chests in the room. It was bigger than I thought. I started to breathe slower and calm down. There were four doors total in the room and no windows. It was a creepy, claustrophobic basement. Taking the candle, I examined each of the chests. They were all studded with different kinds of gems. One had sapphires, one had green emeralds, another was lined with silver and diamond, and one chest was made of solid gold. "What is this place? Mirror? Mirror!" He was gone. I began to panic again. Suddenly, one of the other doors swung open.


Thank you for reading! Chapter 2 will come out soon! Post your comments and opinions!

QuartersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora