New Low...

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Feferi's POV

W)(at the glub even )(append yesterday? To summarize it, Sollux came over and w)(ale, we both admitted our feelings for each other. I tried so )(to not glubbing DIE w)(ale he was comforting me, but my emotions were so bubbling crazy. I even tryed to apologize to -Eridan!? W)(at the flipping crab? Anyways, Sollux ended up being too worried to go home, wow... Never t)(oug)(t I would say t)(at sentence before. )(e stayed on a mattress. I felt bad, but )(e told me I needed to "get my glubbing sleep".

Sollux's POV

"Fef, you need to get your 2leep! II will 2leep on the mattre22." I said. She was really emotional right now, must be on her troll period or something. Oh wait, she just broke her morailship.... I would be a little emotionally blinded too... Maybe. I really don't know, or do I care. I just want to stop her from getting more hurt.

"Sollux, you're my guest. Please, I will sleep on it." She stated calmly, wiping tears that were leftover from her now finished sobbing/cuddling session. I kinda wish that hadn't ended. Maybe I can sneak into her bed while she's sleeping.... No common Sol, what are you thinking? She just got her heart broken and your looking for a relationship? Stupid, stupid, stupid!! I start hitting myself in the head. "Sol, are alright? 'Glub'" Oh! She started doing that again. Yes, that means she's calming down. Plus, I ring it EXTREAMLY adorable.

"Yeah, II'm perfectly fiine, Fef. Just need to 2leep." I say, and with that I walk over and kiss her forehead. I head off to the corner where the mattress is. I lay down and she groans.

"Sol! I was gonna glubbing sleep t)(ere!" I just smirk at her and close my eyes. As I drift into the darkness that is my mind, I can hear little glubs and breathes coming from her bed. I sweetly smile, as I think about what this could be turning into. These were my thoughts as I went into the darkness of dream world.

--------FLASHBACK OVER-------
Still Sollux's POV

Last night was amazing. Probably the best one I've had in a long time. I've been dealing with issues of my own and yesterday was exactly what I needed. I'm glad that me and Fef are now maybe, a little bit more than friends. A couple of weeks ago, I would just talk about her, and ended up loosing a lot of mine, haha. I wonder what Eridan did to make her this angry at him. Rumors have it she even apologized and he denied it. New low dude. New low.

Hey people's!!!!!! This the glorious and amazingly Potatoe looking Anna! I go by Kat now though so yeah. Hope y'all liked this chapter, I worked reely hard on it, excpecially because I don't know how Sollux talks and the lingo and crab, so I just am going to have Kaitlyn go over it. C: So thanks for reading!!!! Byeeeeeeeeee

Sup dudes, Kaitlyn here. Sorry it's been so long. I'll do the next chapter in a few days. See ya

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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