The next couple days I was in the hospital just getting tests and check ups. I told Phil not to visit as it would pointless, I obviously missed a few days of school and I felt bad for leaving Phil so once I got out I went to the store and bought his favorite candy and got mine as well.

So when I got home I got a text from Phil asking if he could come over, I said okay and waited for him. Once my doorbell rang I walked to the door and smiled at him, he didn't look at me.

"I got you your favorite candy" I said holding it out smiling. I saw a tear roll down his cheek as he ran up to me and hugged me.

"Don't....leave me again okay?" He said crying into my shoulder.

"Phil I-"

"Dan...don't scare me like okay? You big idiot."

I smiled at him saying

"I promise I won't anymore, okay?"
He came inside and we played games for about and hour and ate our candy until his mom wanted him home. We said see ya later and I went to bed. But I didn't go to bed happy in anyway....I cried myself to sleep..because I hurt my sunshine.

The next day at school the scene from last night kept playing in my head as if a clip from a movie. I saw Phil and we had a usual school day. When it came to lunch, I avoided getting an apple, which I knew didn't have anything to do with the incident so I let it be and carried on with my day.

Nothing seemed to bad, I got gym removed from my schedule and told Phil that I wanted to do art instead because I liked it better he understood and looked kind of sad being we had that class together.

After that day, I went home and saw my mom wasn't there so I started to walk upstairs when I lost my breath and sat on the stairs knowing if I kept going I'd probably have another heart attack so I stayed there and played on my phone and decided to give my doctor a call about it. He told me to come in tomorrow asap so I went to bed early skipping dinner and dreaming of the beautiful sun when all of a turned pitch black.

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