The Beginning {Maria}

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I will not bow

I will not break

I will shut the world away

I will not fall

I will not fade

I will take your breath away

"Hey! You drunk again old man!" I raised my head, removing one of my earbuds and seeing Mason Carson shove the old man from down the street, who's always drunk. Well, most of the time. Poor guy lost his family in a plane crash, ever since then he's been drinking.

"Haha, stupid bitc—

"Will you two knock it off!" I interrupted the other boy who was about to speak his name was James Smith. Both of them stopped laughing and turned Towards my direction.

"Oh look who decides to finally stand up for someone, stay out of this shorty." Mason snorted with laughter.

"..." My eyes darted towards the ground. I'm not very talkative, I didn't even know why I opened my mouth in the first place. I was stupid.

"That's right! Get gone! You'll miss your bus midget!" I heard James say.

I scurried away from that Area. Which was literally right down the street from my house. I heard a high-pitched scream before plugging my earbud back into my ear. I did look back but I shrugged it off.

You had to have it all

Well, have you had enough?

You greedy little bastard

You will get what you deserve

When all is said and done

I will be the one to leave you in misery and hate what you've become

On the school bus, staring out the window. I had the seat all to myself, well there weren't that many people on the bus anyways. Plus I'm not much of a talker so i have like zero friends.

" Did you hear what happened down at the supermarket last week?" I heard a boy in the seat behind me say.

"you mean that crazy lady that attacked the homeless man who's always asking for spare change?" I heard a girl who was right next to him.

I'm surprised I didn't hear about this but then again i don't get out much since i babysit my twin brothers. although, my father is a scientist I'm pretty sure he would have known.

"I wish i could have been there to see how she tore the poor man apart, for an old hag she was pretty strong." The two behind me continued, " well there is a video on YouTube," the boy chuckled. " Wanna see it?"

"hell yea i do!" the girl said, her voice filled with excitement.

I stopped my music and thought about it for a few seconds before deciding to open my YouTube app and searching up ' crazy old lady attacks homeless man at supermarket'.

And there was the video, most of them had zombie thumbnails.

I clicked on the first video, I'm guessing the person who recorded it came a little too late before the attack actually occurred.

my heart raced, and my eyes widened. This woman, this thing, was devouring him, blood was splattered on the walkway and road, guts scattered everywhere. The cameraman decided it was a good idea to approach but she then attacked him, luckily the police got to her on time or he would have been a goner.

I close the YouTube app, then text my father,

'Are you okay?'

within a minute or so my phone vibrates,

'yes dear, are you okay?'

I'm a fast typer, I quickly reply,

'yes, but um dad...did you know about the lady who attacked the homeless man?'

buzz buzz

'i was fully aware of that incident, why do you ask?'

' did you see someone like that sweetie?'

I read the messages and then looked towards my street, the bus always passed it, my heart stopped for a quick second as soon as saw something that got my attention.

what I saw, i don't think i could ever unsee it.

The drunken old man

buzz buzz

'maria hon, what happened?'

'do I need to come to school and get you?'

I quickly snapped out of my daze and replied.

'no no its okay dad i was just wondering...i'll talk to you later.'

___// School, First Period, Time 8:10 AM\\___

The sound of clapping filled the room as Ms. Gordon brought in the new class pet, the last one died thanks to Robbie Williams. He thought it was funny to feed the class hamster to his cat. This hamster was quite adorable, its fur color was a golden brown with white spots on its back. Ms. Gordon placed the hamster cage on her desk, the cute little hamster ran on its wheel making most of the class say 'aw'.

"what will we name her?" Ms. Gordon said, smiling like most teacher do. I always thought she  was a fake, a teacher who doesn't care about student's education.

"Annabelle!" a girl in the far end of the room shouted.

"no name her Kareen! with a K!" another girl shouted.

Then the whole class turned into an uproar.

"okay okay class settle down! we will have a vote! whoever gets the most votes wins!" The teacher announced as the class cheered.

A boy even came up to the hamster's cage, he was holding some kind of plant, water dripped from the kid's hand as he held it up to the teacher, " i found this near the river the hamster will like it can i put it in the cage?"

Ms. Gordon giggled and nodded, "go right ahead, Jimmy"

He opened the cage and placed it down, immediately the hamster ran to it.

A few minutes passed, I was resting my head when I felt a tap on my left shoulder. It was the none other than the teacher.

"Maria can you do me a favor and get my mail from the main office, thank you." I nodded, I don't really talk to teachers.

Taking a deep breath, I got up my lazy ass and walked out the door. I don't trust anyone in there so I took my red checkered bag.  Honestly, I'm super glad she chose me to get her stuff I could use this walk. Even though the main office wasn't that far, but I took my time. She's in no rush, right? Right.

Walking I locked eyes with the janitor, he smiled. I quickly looked away and shoved my hands in my hoodie pockets. This janitor was pretty good-looking. Not that I liked him cause you know he's like a grown man, but everywhere I went I heard his name, Mike Rodriguez.

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