The beginning part 3 {Maria}

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T-They're alive!? 

A smile crept on my face as I started run again, I ran and ran I didn't know where I was going but I just didn't stop.
They're alive, and I'm going to find them, my family. The only thing is..

How am I going to do that?

California is miles and I mean miles away.

"kid!" Mike called out to me. I didn't want to stop but dammit he was all beaten up, I felt somewhat responsible. Panting he approached me and patted my head, "huh?" I looked up at him in confusion. I thought he was going to yell at me, guess I was wrong. "you okay?" He asked. I slowly nodded, "...are you?" He took a deep breath and nodded as he began to walk.

"where are you going?" I asked as I followed.


"home?" Shoving my hands in my hoodie pockets.

"yes home. I'm tired...."

"what about my brothers!?  and Father!? look!" I ran in front of him shoving the note in his face. "they're alive" I smiled.

"that's good for you kid." Mike sniffled and wiped his face, he then pushed me to the side and continued to walk, "good luck."

"wait what!? you're just going to leave me here?" I shouted.

"well? you don't trust me or like me, you think I'm a rapist so why would you want me to come with you?" His voice rose in anger as he began to walk faster.

"I-I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings mike...I-I was just being cautious...and wel-

I quickly got interrupted by him, "look I don't care if you were being cautious! I just want to go home...." he shouted but then his voice softened.

I must have really hurt his feelings.

"Mike please" I begged, following him.

"...." He said absolutely nothing.

I continued to follow him, scanning the streets we passed. I pulled my phone out, I read the time, 12:32 pm. My eyes darted to Mike's back, why was I even following him? he's not going to help me. Then again, it was my fault.

we passed street after street, house after house, everything looked deserted.

my mind flashed back to when Mrs. Gordon was this close to attacking me, I wonder what got into her? what made her go all coo-coo? I wonder if I would have been one of them if Mike hadn't come to my rescue, none of this made any sense to me. however, I wanted to know, I needed to know. I tried to speak but nothing came out, "M...." I guess I choked on my words, he was probably still mad at me. Although its only been an hour and about 40 minutes, and yes I was counting.

Taking a deep breath I call out to him, "mike..."

"...' no reply.

Sighing I try again, "Mike....Listen.."

"....." Still nothing.

"can you please listen to me?...I'm sorry if you are still upset about what I said..."

"hm..." was all I heard him say, "what is it that you want from me kid?" he spoke up.

Turning around he had a serious look on his face which made a shiver run down my spine and I stopped in my tracks. Looking at him I could tell he was in pain. He was still bleeding from his lip and the black eye was more visible than before. I looked away from his gaze.

"why are you following me?" he asked.

"...." I said nothing.

"answer me!" He grabbed me by both my shoulders and shook me not too rough though.

"I want you to help me find my family!" I couldn't take it anymore and before I even knew it I was bawling my eyes out.

He stopped shaking me.

"fine..." he finally gave in, "I'll help you.." with that he let go of me and continued to walk, Sniffling I followed behind.

Why did he give in so quickly? I questioned.

"hey m-mike?"


"thank you..." I said smiling slightly behind my hand.

"no need."

___//same day 3:03 PM\\___

we have been walking for what seemed like hours. Even though, we were walking pretty slow. I was exhausted and didn't have my water bottle with me. I must have left it in my bag that I left in my house when those soldiers knocked us out. I was too busy in my own mind to even notice that Mike had gone up a hill that lead to small woods. The name is literally called 'small woods' because well the name says it all. I quickly followed behind, we followed a trail. Honestly I felt as I would get lost despite these woods being quite small. we entered an open area, there was another small hill and on top of that hill sat a small white house. A dirty jeep was parked on the side. A bunch of different types of items were scattered all over the place. For a janitor he sure was a messy man. Walking closer to the house I noticed that the screen door had blood on it, not to mention that the door behind the screen door was open. I could tell mike noticed as well because he started to sprint.

"Mike!" I called out to him but it was too late he was already inside the house. I cursed under my breath and ran in after him. He was running around looking restlessly for something.

"Mama!? Mama!?" he called out, could it be that he was looking for someone? I didn't think he'd live with someone. Then again he did say 'mama'.

He stopped in his tracks, he was in the kitchen. I couldn't make out what he was looking at since I was short but I heard it. A hiss came from behind the kitchen counter. Followed by a snarl and that's when I saw her an old lady covered in blood. She had lunged at Mike and was now on him trying to bite him. Mike yelled, "no mama! stop!" His voice sounded as he was about to burst into tears. I had to do  something quick! but what!?

Frying Pan?

Yes, that's it a frying pan! I quickly grabbed one of the frying pans that were hanging up on a pan holder. I firmly grasped it and shouted as I swung the frying pan upwards hitting the old lady right in the face sending her backwards.

"no! don't!" he shouted as he began to cry, "let me do it.." He sat up and took the frying pan from my hand then stood up.

"M-Mama..." he sniffled as she only snarled at him.

She got up with no problem and was about to jump him when he swung the frying pan to the left hitting the side of her face.

"please...forgive me..." he whimpered as he began to smash her head with the pan repeatedly. crying very loudly. I trembled. He then fell on his side whimpering, repeating the words "I'm sorry..."

My heart sank, I've never seen a man cry like this... Especially someone who seemed very mysterious.

I kneeled down in front of him, "I'm had to do that..." I went to rub his head but he grabbed me by the wrist and said, "I don't need to be consoled..." He pushed me away, sniffled as he got up.

I rubbed my wrist and got up myself.

"Sorry...." I Muttered under my breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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