The bar around the corner

886 13 2

I had finished doing the laundry half an hour ago, and right now I'm sitting in front of my computer once again, watching it upload yet another video. I have to admit it was a relief to know, that I didn't have to record videos for today or tomorrow.

I checked the clock on my phone, I should get ready, not that I had to change clothes. I'll just set my hair and brush my teeth. I walked out to brush my teeth and afterwards I set my hair. I walked back into my bedroom to check on the video, 25 minuts left until uploaded.

I sighed and took my phone. I'll just let my computer do the rest, then I had to shut it down as soon as I get home again.

I grabed my jacket and my keys and went out of my front door and locked it. I walked down the stairs to the streets, it was starting to get dark, but it didn't stop people from still going outside.

I walked a few meters down the street past one of the three apartment complexes there was, where I lived. A young lady who looked drunk or she just wasn't used to wear high heels walked towards me. We were one meter away from each other when she fell over, I rushed over to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I helped her up on her feet again

She looked surprised at me "yeah, I'm ok. Thank you for helping me up, I'm not used to walk in high heels" she said and smiled as I let go of her

"are you on your way home, I could walk you home if you want to? I said 

"actually, I live in this build on 5th floor" she said and looked up

"Oh" I said and stepped a bit away from her

"But, I could really need some help walking up the stairs, if you don't mind helping me of cause?" she asked and looked at me

"Oh, no. Of cause I'll help you. I got time" I said and smiled

"oh my, such a gentleman" she giggled

I laughed

"May I?" I asked, she nod, I put my arm around her waist and we walked inside

"what's your name?" she asked me as we walked up the stairs

"Markiplier, oh god danmit, Sorry. Mark, Mark Fischbach!" I said and smiled

she laughed again "I'm Cara, Cara Brown" she said

"nice meeting you, Cara" I said as we walked up to the second floor

"so do you live nearby or? she asked me

"I live in the apartment complex next by" I answered as we reached third floor

"Do you, I haven't seen you before, and I have lived here for four years now" she said

"Well, I don't get out so much, my job takes quiet some time" I answered her

"what job do you since you don't come out so much?" she asked curiously

"I'm a youtuber, I make youtube videos for a living"

"oh, interesting" she said

"what about you?" I asked her as we reached fourth floor

"Um, I have actually just been to an job interview today, that why I'm so dressed up" she said and smiled

"aha, what kind of job, if I may ask? I asked

"as a secretary at a lawyer" she said and smiled

"wow, fancy!" I said

she laughed again "whatever" she said

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