叁 //two birds//

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I'm going to do POVs now (kind of)

//five minutes before//


Picking up Taehyungs item he continued to crawl in the vents, being careful not to make any sound for they would echo off the metal walls. He abruptly stopped at one point, the tips of his fingers meeting a few drops of some kind of viscous liquid.

It smelled of metal and rust.

It doesn't take sherlock to figure out it was blood. However it does take an experienced hitman to know to clean it before anything else. Taehyung was smart he could survive but if this blood was identified....

He poured rubbing alcohol on a small towelette, wetting his gloves slightly in the process. He then proceeded to wipe away any smears that could be seen with the faint light coming in through the grates in the ventilation system. Turning on a flashlight could potentially expose him.

It didn't take long to find the owner of the blood, who was only a few corridors away.

Taehyung sat there, wincing while holding his side, which was a crimson color. He was breathing slowly, trying not to gasp.

"Hyung" Jungkook muttered underneath his breath as he took the towelette and slipped it underneath his vest upon prying his finger away from the wound. He applied pressure on it with his right hand. Jungkook sighed because it was all his stubborn refusal to wear a bullet proof vest that led to this. He said it "interfered with the arts" But that wasn't the main problem. He needed to know the situation.

._. . _.. he tapped his left fingers on Taehyungs forearm. red

That meant they needed to leave. Taehyung nodded weakly as he started to pull himself up, arm around the younger's shoulders supporting his weight on his vest. But alas there was an open vent. Taehyung tried to jump over it but fell in, almost dragging the younger along with him. He fell through the vent, and through the door like thing of metal. The door was in some household for occasional repairs. Landing in the high table he grimaced and Jungkook was right behind him, except with a wire which connected him to the ceiling. He proceeded to fasten the microfiber harness onto taehyung.

"Security!" The man shouted his voice gruff. Jungkook spun around to face him and his surprisingly short son. That was him, the target. Might as well.

His hand went to his waist band, where his gun was located. The silencer wouldn't do him any good. He made sure his hyung's face was out of view as he slid a bullet into the barrel.

"Jungkook?!" He was shocked beyond means. He didn't react but Taehyung had already pressed the return button.

As they zipped up Jungkook found to sense to pull his gun and shooted. One bullet for the father. One for the son. Well it was for the son. He found himself moving the slightest bit. Instead it hit Lee daehyun. Well he was the target for their next mission anyway. Killing two birds with one stone. except maybe the fact it was the wrong bird. They disappeared into the vents quickly climbing up against all the security stationed outside to head to the helicopter.


They had been here for a whole five minutes.

It may not seem like much to some but this was unusual. "Should we go and find them?" Hoseok shouted from cockpit. Just as he said that the metal grate opened, revealing the two maknaes. Taehyung was supported by jungkook's broad shoulders as he half carried the older. Jin rushed out to aid them as namjoon searched his pockets for something. A chemical most likley.

With Jin helping, they were able to drag taehyung to the helicopter. As soon as he got in, jungkook removed his mask, revealing a red sweaty face. Jin immediately started tending to taehyung wound. It looked like a bullet had grazed the side of his hip.

He started to clean the blood as namjoon threw the item that he had found. Jin didn't need to look up to see the fire. He could smell it in the air as they took off.


Thankfully taehyung hadn't suffered a huge injury. But it was close. He had gotten shot by the security that were stationed in various parts of the building, that had been there in the knowledge that the house would be under attack. He had given them and impression there was a rat and they just shot the ceiling without a care in the world and with bourbon running through their veins.

They all had their battle scars but not had any new ones since ash had died.

Ash was their mentor, their teacher, the closest thing to a father any of them had. As far as namjoon could Remember he had been left on the street. He was found by ash who raised him like a father. When he was two, they found jin, a boy who had been left in the hospital. He had been taken care of by an old nurse who had died when jin was three. He had stayed in the hospital in a small shelter behind the hospital, unoticed for months. Until ash found him of course.

Ash continuously took lost boys under his Wing throughout the years. But not all children were saved. He sought out the ones ones with a reputation for strength and courage.

Ash had died in a mission. Namjoon had poured the formula, burning the building but hoseok was no where to be found. He had gone back into the building t ok search for him.

Luckily hoseok survived.

Ash didn't. Without a proper body or funeral he was forgotten by society.

Namjoon had never played with fire again until tonight. But he could suppress any trauma or distress to save any of them.

"Namjoon!" Jin's voice called out from the infirmary, echoing against the tunnels of the base. Namjoon slowly stood up from his stool, popping his back as he went to aid jin with stitching.

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