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Hi im here

Getting in the base was extremely, very,.....

"Who the hell are these guys..." yoongi muttered. He had figured it would have been at least a bit more protected. In fact it smack in the middle of a forest door hanging open. Hell, there was even a grill on outside the entrance.

It was only upon stepping within the property that he began to question why he was here. Afterall he was a childhood friend. He only had a sliver of a memor- no it was more of a feeling.



After all he was all that yoongi has.

Or rather, had would fit more in this context.

Yoongi not only didnt know why he was here but also what to do.
What if he met him? What if didnt recognize yoongi? Maybe he hated yoongi, maybe that was why he lef-

Foot steps began echo through the tunnels. There was nothing around to hide in. There was nothing period.

So he did the normal thing, he ran. And if you think he ran without a sound, ha, you are wrong. Screaming while running away isnt the best, better keep that air in your lungs.

Footsteps, clattering, and his thoughts. Jungkook couldnt keep "yoongi" out of his mind. Why did he seem so familiar.
When he saw him he felt...hurt. but that wasnt possible, he'd never even met the guy....


jungkook shook his head trying to focus after crashing into... "what did i crash into anyways?" He said as he looked up.

"Speak of the devil....."

"Um hi" yoongi said

Short chapter folks

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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