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I didn't do proper world building so flashbacks. Wooop

Hours before:


It was chaos. min ki young, dead. Lee daehyun, dead. Terminated. Deceased.

Whatever word was used it was still the same. They were gone. People going in, going out. Doing whatever they can with the bodies. Deciding what was to become of them.

Yoongi is the sole heir of the min bloodline. Also referred to as the "fire bloodline". Why, yoongi hadn't the faintest idea. Money, power, and responsibilities had been shoved onto his shoulders. He was too young, too vulnerable. All because of jungkook.

Several years before
"Come back soon hyung!~" jungkook's sweet voice rang. Yoongi looked down at his little five year old brother. Everyone adored him, with his pretty speckled eyes and pure innocence. A rare kind of beauty. The min family was far from ugly. Extremely far from that. They were well above the beauty standards. Jungkook was unique in contrast. No one had ever seen anyone quite like him.

After all he was adopted. Actually more like "taken up".

When yoongi was four or so, there was a new addition to the family. An apparent close friend of his mother had passed away so soon after there was a new child in the min house. Named jungkook, supposedly under a previous family member that had passed away.

No one looked into his family roots and genetics despite all the technology that they had.

They didn't have a reason to.

"Sure kookie" Yoongi called back behind him, shutting the door and heading across the hall, to the restrooms. He was a big boy now, almost ten! The adults trusted him to take care of his brother.

He passed the door of his father's office, which was open the slightest bit. It was a large door of dark oak with brass decor. "That little bastard better not get in the way of my son and him carrying on the pristine min bloodline." His fathers voice was hushed, however, audible. "He's becoming to powerful, get rid of him and make it look like an accident."......"what's in it for me?"...."30 thousand in pounds."......"eh"......"Fine, 45 thousand."

"You've got yourself a deal."

Now, yoongi may not have understood every single word of the conversation but "get rid" isn't a particularly difficult context. And he was aware of how his father was like.

"Hyung where are we going?"jungkook's voice rang out as yoongi clasped his hand, heading to the back doors of the mansion. yoongi thought of an excuse. "Uh..you need to run away, like tag."


"Hyung what's wrong?" Okay so he wasn't an idiot.

Yoongi bent down, putting his level with the younger's. He held his hands and pressed his mouth against them, leaving a kiss. "You can't stay here kookie, you need to leave."

Confusion clouded the younger's eyes. "But hyung why?"

"It's dangerous for you too stay."

"But how can it be dangerous if you can protect me hyung?"


Yoongi was started to become frustrated. He didn't want to send him away. He wished he could stay with him and protect him. But that wasn't possible, with the power his father possessed. .. they were running out of time.


Jungkook seemed to shrink in his skin. "B- but I want to stay."


Instantly guilt filled him. But it's too late to turn back. He struggled to maintain his expression.

Jungkook's eyes filled with tears as he scrambled away in the rain.

Yoongi then slammed the door sprinting up to his his personal chambers. He cried behind the doors, regretting what he did.

He told himself it was for the best as he ran his hands down his jacket.

He wasn't completely stupid though. He embedded a tracker within the hem of jungkook's jacket.

He checked up on him constantly, making sure he was safe to the best of his abilities. Checking the news near where he was. Until the twentieth day.

Then the little arrow on the map of the screen stopped.

It stopped and never moved again.

Jungkook, he was alive. This filled yoongi with a interesting emotion that was completely new but not bad.

Was this adrenaline that he had read so much about. Or the feeling of being powerful.

He couldnt give a shit about the bloodline or the money.

All that matters is finding kookie.

His first act as one of the most powerful men in all the galaxies? (Even more powerful than the Mars obsessed people who thought it was a good idea to live there) gathering a group of elite trackers.

The death of his father is the bridge to finding jungkook. And ironically he was the one who made that bridge. He was going to find him.


He flicked his fingers up, revealing a holographic new caster. "-min ki young has been assassinated by a mysteri-"

"Oh this is new, something interesting for once....but would kookie be devastated...I honestly didn't expect this day to come so quickly.." He mused out loud to his cat who had no reaction whatsoever. He grinned as he started to get changed from his bathrobe.

"Maybe I'll even meet my son."

Hehe hehehe
Guess who~

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