Chapter 21

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Stella POV

I've been doing anything to keep my mind off of my parents constantly yelling at each other. I've been over at the Wayne manner a few times just to talk to Alfred. Been down to the police station a lot too. Everyone down there have been trying to put me in a good mood, and some of them said to go talk to Dick about it. I just tell them that he is normally too busy, or he's not picking up his phone or ever at his place. They buy those excuses all the time.
I am worried about Dick though, Alfred told me that he and the rest of the team, minus Pitch, went on a mission and didn't tell anyone about it. To make things worse a few days after they went on the mission Pitch disappeared. At the moment I'm in my Silver dust costume and sitting on top of Wayne industry. Even though Batman said I was no longer a hero I need to do something that keeps me out of my house. My phone goes off in my pocket, pulling it out I see that it is a unknown number.

"Hello?" I said.

"Your time is up." Said a male voice on the other end.

"Uh... I don't think you have the right number." I said.

"Your Silver dust, and at the moment you are sitting on top of Wayne industry all a lone." The voice said.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Just keep looking be hind you, Silver dust, for you will never know when I will strike." The voice said.

The caller ended the call and I sat there looking around for the person that could have called my phone. The thing is I don't know where I'm supposed to look. Getting nervous I pull out a small bag of dust and throw it in the air. Controlling it I make a small cloud that I can stand on and leave Wayne industry.


Pitch POV

I wake up and see that Maxie was sitting in a chair facing me. Looking around I noticed that Hunter was not here.

"Hunter is out doing some things right now kid." Maxie said.

"Why are you working for him?" I ask.

"That's none of your concern." Maxie said.

"I think it is." I said.

Maxie got up and walked over to the door of the cage. He pulls out the keys and unlocks the door. Walking in slowly he pulls out a baseball bat and swings it at my face. I duck and miss the swing to the head. Using the bat he pushes me to the ground. Trying to crawl away from Maxie's bat I see the keys, he must have dropped them when he pulled out the bat. Stretching my hand out to grab the keys I feel the bat hit my back.

"Ahh!" I scream in pain, but managed to grab the keys.

Maxie continues to hit me in the back a couple more times before he moves on to my head that I have protected by my hands.

"Maxie!" Hunter yells.

The door to the room, that I've been in for who knows how long, flys open and Hunter come stomping in.

"Come with me your needed." Hunter ordered Maxie.

"Yes boss." Maxie said.

Giving up on trying to smash my head open, Maxie walks out of the cage. Hunter locks the cage door and the two walk out of the room.
  Slowly I sit up, feeling all the pain that is in my body now because of Maxie it takes me a while to sit up. Struggling to stand on my two feet I make it to the cage door and try to find what key opened the door. When I find it I open the door and in the process I fall to the floor. Getting back up I make my way to the door that will get me out of this house.


Okay so Stella is being watched by a mysterious male, and Pitch finally got out of the cage! Let me know what you all think so far. And you can give me ideas on who the mysterious caller is in the comments, or on my page. I don't really care, as long as you are willing to give me an idea of the male caller.

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