Chapter 23

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Zephyr POV

We ran for miles before we had stopped to catch our breaths. We all were tired, and hungry. Looking around I noticed that we had existed into a different part of the forest. There was still trees, but not a lot of them. The trees were spaced out more, and there was wild flowers growing everywhere.

"Were are we?" Robin asked.

"I don't know, by the looks of it a different part of this stupid forest." Echo said.

"What did the forest ever do to you to make you call it stupid?" Nicky asks.

"It has a giant snake that tried to kill us in the mountain!" Echo shouted.

I didn't lesson to the rest of the argument. I walked around looking at every thing. As I did that I noticed that there was some pieces of houses that looked like they have not been touched for many years. I looked closer at the houses and saw that many of them had old claw marks, or trees that fell on the houses and crushed them. Walking to a open door of one of the homes I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Nightwing standing behind me.

"Wonder what happened to the people that used to live here?" Nightwing said.

"Same, I saw that a lot of the houses have claw marks on them while others had trees fall on them." I said.

"How is it possible for all of you to get this lost?" a male voice asks.

Everyone was looking round to find the source of the voice, but we had no luck. The next thing we knew was a strong wind started to blow things in every direction. I had to force myself to look up, and when I did I saw Sky.

"How did you find us?" Echo asked.

"Simple, I went and flew around to find you." Sky said as he lands in front of us.

Once his feet were on the ground he started to tell us that we have been lost for quite some time since we went through the cave with a giant talking snake. He also mentioned that he saw Tula run out of the cave way before we did.

"So Tula is ok." Nightwing side with relief.

"Yea she is fine, just worried about all of you and the others along with who your trying to help." Sky said.

"Can you take us to her?" I asked.

"Yea, but since the majority of you can't fly we will be walking." Sky said.


Pitch POV

I struggle to get out of the house. Luckily no one was around to stop me. I see the door that would let me out of the house, so using the walls for support I stumble to the door.

"That's right don't give up." The voice from before said.

Tripping over my own feet I fall to the floor.

"Ugh." I grown.

I look up to see that the door is right in front of me all I have to do  is turn the doorknob and walk out. I try to stand, but my legs give out and I fall to the floor again.

"Get up." The voice said.

I try again and I am able to open the door. I look at my surroundings and notice that I'm in a forest.

"How am I going to get to the others?" I ask myself.


Sorry that it's been a while. I'm having writers block and I have had family over a lot and been going to drivers Ed. Vote and comment please.

Saving PitchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora