Chapter 28

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Tula POV

Sky was flying ahead of us as his wolf ran towards the mountain. Sky and the other keepers of this forest said that if we got to the top of the mountain with Pitch that he might be saved. I hope that it's true. I noticed blue beetle, wonder girl, beast boy, bumble bee, super girl, and Jake are flying around us. Kid flash is just running to keep up with the wolf.

Pitch is in front of me, well he is somewhat lying on me. I don't mind, but I'm able to feel how hot he is. To be honest he doesn't even look comfortable.

"How's Pitch doing?" Bat girl asks me.

"Well he looks like he's in an uncomfortable sleep, and is burning up." I informed her.

The others herd and looked worry. They were just getting to know the not so mean side that I knew existed in him already.

"We are almost to the mountain, once we get to it we can stop and try to get his fever to go down some." Sky said.

Once we got to the bottom of the mountain everyone got off the wolf, then helped me get Pitch off. Kid flash went to find some water, but there was noting to carry the water, but Sky made a bowl out of a rock. Pitch was lying in the shade of some trees with a bunch of leaves to us as a pillow. Nightwing and the others were sitting a little further away from Pitch discussing on how we was going to get up the mountain with Pitch. Sky was in a tree. His wolf was gone, and I was sitting in the shade next to Pitch.

All of a sudden everyone heard an engine sound coming from the sky. We all look up to see that it was the bat jet. It lands not that far from us, and Batman jumps out.

"Batman!" Everyone says.

"So this is where everyone has been." Batman said.

He looks over to me and Pitch then turns around to grab something. While he was grabbing something kid flash returns with the rock bowl full of water.

"Thanks." I quietly said.

Taking the bowl I set it down next to Pitch. Batman walked up to me and handed me a rag to use.

"Why is Pitch even here?" Batman asks us.

"Buttocks had him, and how Pitch was able to get away from him is beyond us." Nightwing said.

Pitch stirred in his sleep, and then weekly opened his eyes. He must have herd what Nightwing said for he mumbled something.

"Does anyone know what he just mumbled?" A voice said.

We all turn to see that the voice belonged to Stella. She was in her silver dust costume. I look over to Nightwing and saw that he was happy to see her, but also kinda sad.

"Yea something about Buttocks calling himself Hunter now." Super boy said.

"What did he get tired of having people laugh at him because of his name?" May asked.

"Must of." Zephyr said.

While they talked I dipped the cloth in the water, then rung it out and placed it on Pitch's forehead. I did this a few more times before Stella walked over to me and sat right beside of me.

"How is he?" Stella asks.

"His fever has gone down a little, but not by much." I said.

"The others told me that you guys are going to try to get Pitch to the top of the mountain, why?" Stella asked.

"Sky said that there may be a way to save Pitch at the top, but is going to be a challenge because of a giant talking snake that lives in he mountain." I said.

"I don't even want to know what your talking about, but I can help." Stella said.

"How?" I asked.

"Let's try to get his fever down some more, but I can use silver dust to lift him up." Stella said.

For half an hour I tried to get Pitch's fever to go down. It didn't though, so everyone said that it would be better to start heading up the mountain before Pitch's fever got any worse.

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