Teen Wolf Imagines

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I remember being eight and playing in my grandfathers pool. Me and my sister would always try and see if we could touch the bottom, sometimes succeeding, other times falling short by mere inches. And when we felt it, the feel of the cold and rocky cement, proving that we could touch the bottom, it was a race to the top, our supply of air already running short. When we reached the top, water bursting out and around as we gasped for air, I hated that feeling, but I loved knowing that I could touch the bottom of the pool. That’s how I felt with him.

Stiles could do that to anyone he came in contact with. Pull you in deep, make you breathless, and then let you go somewhat confused and aching. But I loved him.

“Jules would you hand me that.” Stiles asked pointing to the small knife next to me. I handed it to him.

“What is this?” I asked, referring to the large structure like thing, which he was currently working on.

“It’s almost Scott’s birthday. And the last time we did one of our, let’s stay up all night and find out more about some stupid werewolf, or other creature, I broke his desk. So I thought I’d make him a new one.” Stiles replied, screwing a board into place.

“Why wouldn’t you just buy him one?” I questioned.

“You know what Jules; I don’t need your smart remarks right now.” Stiles said sarcastically.

“Okay, sorry I just was asking.” I had to hold in a laugh for how defensive he got.

“A homemade present shows more love.” He said with that voice. That voice where you know he was trying to justify something he thinks, other people think is stupid. I got up and kissed his cheek.

“You’re right, and Scott is going to love it. So what are you going to break of mine, so that you have to replace it for my birthday?” I asked.

He grinned, they cute boy grin. “Well see I was hoping your headboard of your bed, but your box spring would work too.” He said grabbing me by the waist and pulling me on his lap, kissing me with all he had. He was doing it. That thing he did to make it seem like I was eight years old again, like I was under the water, but not like I was struggling. I felt like I had just touched the bottom of the pool. I was getting the satisfaction. The struggle would come later.

As the years went on, the struggle came in bits and pieces. Never fully hitting either of us.  It was weird, because in any other relationship I would run out of eventually.

And then n day out of the blue it hit me. Not the struggle of breathlessness. The realization that it was Stiles. He was the reason I still had air. Because every time I was running short, or needed some. Stiles would give me air. He would do anything to make it easier for me.

It was Stiles.

A/N: I hope you all like this one. If you would like one of your own just put a post on my page with your name, who you want it with, and a scenerio is optional. :) I do smut as well:)

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