You're the banshee

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"Wait she called you what?" Stiles asked as you were explaining to him what had happened with Ms. Blake. 

"A banshee, a wailing woman." You said slowly, feeling the rising bruises forming on your neck.

"Did she say anything else?" Stiles said frantic to find anything he could, anything that could save his father.

"I don’t know, I remember that she had a knife up to my throat, and then your dad came in. Everything was happening so fast I don’t remember." You managed to stutter out.

"We don’t have time for you not to remember." Stiles said under his breath. He grabbed you by the shoulders. "If you remember anything, ANYTHING, I am the first one you come to." He said before leaving.

Scott was sitting on one of the desk. You looked at him and right behind him was a window, which you could see yourself in. You could see the red line that went across your throat. You stepped closer to the window, your fingers lightly touching the redness. Tears falling down your face you whispered, “She was so close.” You turned around and faced Scott. “If it wasn’t for Stiles’s dad I’d be dead.” You said.

"I’d be dead." You whispered out loud, but more to yourself. You sat down in one of the desks. "I would be dead right now."

"We are going to find her. And Stiles’s dad. We will all be okay." Scott said.

You nodded and decided if you spent one more minute in this room you would have a break down. 

You walked on to your house, expectantly empty, your parents worked late often. It used to freak you out, but ever since you started finding bodies Scott, Stiles and Isaac took turns sitting outside your house, if you left, they would follow you. Tonight was Stiles’s turn. You looked out your window looking for the jeep, which was nowhere to be found.

You didn’t figure Stiles would be here tonight, because if you did leave and find a body, it’d be his dads.

You looked around the kitchen for something soft to eat and decided on noodles; you set water on to boil then went up to your room. 

You looked at yourself in the mirror, your eyes were slightly red from crying, you throat was getting more sore by the second, you reached your hand up to touch it when you heard a noise down the hall.

"Stiles?" You called out thinking he came in to ask you if you remembered anything. No response. You got up and went to close your bedroom door but a hand stopped you. You stepped back and the door slowly opened revealing Jennifer. You opened your mouth to scream but she quickly place a rag over it and soon you blacked out.


Stiles pulled up in front of your house, he contemplated going inside, and then decided if you did remember anything he wanted to be right next to you when you did. 

He walked inside your house, as he passed you kitchen he saw that a pot was over flowing with boiling water. “You are going to remember anything about what Jennifer did if you can’t even remember you have a pot on boiling.” Stiles called out to you. He turned off the stove and went up to your bedroom.

"Did you-" He started but stopped when he saw you weren’t there. 

He started to call you, thinking you had that urge that made you find bodies, a lump in his throat as he waited for the phone to start ringing. When it did, he heard a ringtone coming from down stairs, he followed it to entrance way, and your phone was next to your keys.

He immediately called Scott. 

"We have a problem."


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