Stiles Imagine

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"What are the odds that they don’t come back alive?" Stiles asked when Deaton told him the plan.

"The chances of them not reviving are large, but it’s their decision." Deaton said, knowing getting Stiles to hold you under wouldn’t be easy.

"There has to be something we can do. I’ll go-" Stiles started to rant but was cut off.

"I want to do this." You said. "What if it was your dad?" You asked.

Stiles’ mouth moved in the way it always did when Stiles knew he couldn’t say anything.

Scott got into the ice water first, then you, and then Allison.

"After a while they might try and push themselves up. But keep them down." Deaton said firmly, looking right at Stiles.

You looked up at him, you were already shivering and you’re sure that your lips were a solid blue.

"I love you. If you even think for a second about leaving me I swear to god." There were tears in his eyes and he kissed your forehead.

"I love you too." You replied quickly, Deaton looked at everyone.

Isaac with Allison. Deaton with Scott. And Lydia off to the side just in case.

Looking at everyone for a split second before you went under it really hit you what was happening. Whilst most seventeen year old girls are more worried about what they were going to do for prom, you worried about if your parents were going to be sacrificed in your Language Arts teacher ritual. You worried if your boyfriend would be killed trying to save the day. You hated worrying. But you knew that it would never go away, the wolves and everything would always be a part of whom you are and who you would grow to be.

The water numbed you quickly; through the water you could see Stiles, his body changing form with every water movement. You reached your hand to be intertwined with his. His warm familiar hand, cold and shaky. You let out the last of your air then nothing.

Stiles felt your hand go limp. He let go, and stepped back from the water. He was there when his mother died, he watched her slowly slip away. It killed him to do the same for you. Lydia went by his side and grabbed his hand, the same one you were hold but twenty seconds ago.

"She’s strong." Was all that was said. It was all that could be said.

After about five minutes Deaton told them to get them out of the water. Stiles pulled you out, you were freezing, your clothes sticking close to your skin, which was pale as the white sheet Deaton had laid down for you all to lay them on.

"What now?!" Stiles said frantically, eager to get you back.

"Grab their hand, and wait." He replied calmly.

"That’s your plan? Wait?" Stiles yelled frustrated that he couldn’t do more.

"They need you to believe they are strong enough for them to do this on their own." Deaton said holding Scott’s hand.

Stiles held on to your hand, he pushed the wet hair that has stuck to the side of your face off. And he waited. He kissed your hand, and waited. He whispered how much loved you in to your hand, and he waited. 

Scott started coughing first, Stiles smiled as his friend slowly started to breath normally again. Once Scott remember what was going on he shot up.

"How are the others did it work." He asked.

"First you need to calm down." Deaton said wrapping Scott in the towel Lydia handed him. "You’re the first to come back." Scott looked to Stiles and nodded his head in a way that with no words being spoken, Stiles knew that Scott believed in you.

After a few more minutes Allison burst into coughing fit, water coming out of her mouth. She calmed down and sat up looking at Scott then to you. Isaac wrapped her in a towel and grabbed a hold of her hand.

More minutes passed with no sign of life from you. Stiles still had a hold of your hand, kissing it every few seconds.

Deaton looked at Scott with a knowing frown.

"I’m sorry Stiles." He said grabbing the towel that was supposed to warm you up and walking over to you with it.

"NO! No we can’t give up yet." Stiles said, pleading for a few more minutes.

"Her hearts been stopped for too long, for her to come back now would be almost impossible." Deaton said.

"Almost as impossible as werewolves being real." Stiles said hoping to get only a few more minutes.

Deaton put the sheet over your body, and Stiles just stared at it for a long time. Tears falling down his face.

"I believed. YOU TOLD ME I NEEDED TO BELIEVE AND I DID!" He said starting quiet but getting louder and angrier by the second.

"She wanted to do this Stiles, she knew what she was getting into. I’m sorry." Deaton said taking a spot next to Scott who hadn’t moved since Deaton placed the towel over you. Being Stiles’ girlfriend, you and Scott had gotten close; he had become something of an older brother.

Stiles kissed your hand one more time before slowly putting it down on top of the towel over your stomach.

"Maybe its best you left." Deaton said. "I’ll handle this."

Stiles got up and opened the door, as he was about to walk out, a small cough came from under your towel. Stiles ran over to you and turned the towel so it wrapped around you. Scott right next to him, rubbing your back to calm down your coughs.

"Is everyone okay?" You asked your voice horse.

"Yeah everyone’s just fine." Stiles smiled kissing your forehead then wrapping his arms around you. "We’re just fine." He whispered to himself.

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