A New Day

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A new day

It took me a minute to catch my breath. We laughed, the long grass made my feet tickle. Jason flopped down in the grass beside me. The breeze hit my face gently I looked over the hill, into the Valley below us. It was beautiful, I saw the grass being whipped through the wind. The lake water reflected the magnificent mix of colors from the sunset.

"Jason?" I asked "what do you think it's like?"

"What what's like?" He requested

"Being out there." I huffed to the ground, "in the free world."

He sat up and got close to me. "Babe, one day we will escape out there." He said astoundedly "we'll create our own city, a family! Just there." He pointed off into the landscape before us.

Let me back up and explain, today is June 3, 2369. The world you knew is gone. The government is corrupt, they have become egotistical control freaks.

*Beep* my watch was going off I looked down at it. Words flashed across the top of the screen. -Come back quickly!!-

My eyes connected to Jason's "we need to go!" I said scaredly "Now!" I started running back toward the city. As I ran down the side of the hill I saw the electrical fence surrounding the huge glass city. I looked up slightly to see the top of the bubble barrier. We ran toward a small patch of clovers, where I saw the portal. A small marble lay in the patch. I picked it up and grabbed Jason's hand. My head got dizzy and my balance was thrown off. When I opened my eyes again we were in my basement.

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