The Bubble Full of Lies.

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The phone was ringing, I ran to it still holding the marble. I picked it up, it was an old version of the ibots new collection of cell phones. The words came off of the screen, "answer." i said with an annoyed tone.

"HEY!" the girls voice echoed in my ears, "What's up??" this is my 'best friend' honestly shes the most annoying thing in the world.

"Hey." i repiled my words empty of emotion, "just hangin' with Jason awhile. What about you?"

"Well I was going to see if you wanted to shopping today but I'm guessing not today."

"You guessed it."

"Kk Bon'Voyage."

I quickly ended the call right as my mother walked in, "Taylor Day!" she was pissed. I slowly sat down on the floor thinking of the many punishments I could possibly have, I didnt want to get into any trouble while Jason was here. "I haven't gotten a hug from you yet today!"

'OH NO' i thought ' I WOULD RATHER GET IN TROUBLE' my mother walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back, it was so imbarresing. She hugged me for what felt like forever. Behind me Jason seemed as though he was under a trance stareing akwardly at the ceiling. The moment soon passed, and Jason came out of his trance long enough for my twin sister to walk in.

"So you date ass-holes now?" My sister barked "at least its a step up from what you used to date." Her statement burned in the back of my mind but i refused to let it show.

"Ha you mean a step up from what YOU date?" I laughed "you and those man-whores!" I saw anger shoot through her face like a bullet. Seeing her upset always made me happy, a smirk spread across my face. My mother seemed as though she had just seen murder. I quickly turned around to Jason, who now looked deep into the floor as though he could see through it. I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him up the carpeted stairs into the entrance room and out into the dark night sky. No stars were in the sky the moon almost seemed as though it was a pin point. I looked beyond the many buildings to lies of the magical bubble that surrounded the city. There was fire and rotting people and sand that filled the Valley. The King wanted everyone to think that the outside world was unlivable and dangerous. He had trapped all these people in a giant bubble and told them that they could never leave. It was against the law to leave the city, everyone says that you would die instantly but i know the truth, i will not obey the authority of King Louie. Neither will Jason.

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