2 - Your Touch

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Out the door you wave at Iggy, that's the name you settled with for him. "I'll be home soon, Iggy. Be good." His response is a lazy meow...he didn't like his nickname much similar to another brit you knew about.

While off to school your mind wanders to different anime. You're actually behind on Say I Love You, your skype group are all ahead of you. It's not a big group.

Bridget lives in France, Mark in LA, Jack in Ireland, and Lily in Italy. You all bonded over one of your posts online and..it just took off from there. The chat gets more active at random times.

Moving on. It was time for school so you got your head out the clouds.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." A familiar voice chimes greeting you at the front.

You smile at him, then lower your head fiddling with your bag a bit. "M-morning, Arthur." It felt weird to speak up here. Again you don't usually talk to anyone at school.

He slings his bag over his shoulder, "shall we?" With a nod you follow him inside. You actually have the british male in almost all your classes. He was quite the smart one. Polite to.

As you two walk down the halls he talks as you listen. Once in a awhile you speak as well, it felt good.

What ruins the mood would be the whispers rising in the hall. Little voices making you nervous getting your anxiety alert. "You okay, love?"

Arthur noticed you were looking a little pale. He gently rubbed your back startling you before actually feeling you relax.

Did he do something?

The first bell chimes signaling for everyon to scatter. You go into your class with Arthur following still looking at you worried.

Quietly taking your seat you take out a book and notebook. Your new friend sat one person over off to your right. It was fine, you liked the very back window seat.

Less attention.

Class went on not that you hated it. School work was fun to you, maybe because you just got it more than you understood people.

While packing up you tuck a stray strand of (H/C) back into place. It wasn't till you turned that you bumped into another.

"Sorry, love" he chuckled lightly patting your shoulder. Again, you tense up then relax.

As you both leave he wondered why you react in such a way. Do you hate him?


By lunch he felt it'd be a good time to ask you.

Question, where were you?

He dismissed his friends who asked him to hang with them at the table. After a good five minutes of searching he caught sight of you in the garden area. You were sitting alone.

With a wave he walks over to you and gestures to the spot next to you. "Mind if I take a seat?"

Silent you shook your head no.

"I was wondering something (Y/N). Now, if it's uncomfortable I won't push but why do you stiffen when I touch you?" He looked over at you. "Have I done something to upset you?"

"N-no not at all." A small sigh passed your lips as you try to avoid him seeing you all flustered. Being around him alone made your heart flutter.

Hopefully you were good at hiding it.

Thinking of how to explain you tried. "I'm not used to physical contact much. I always wonder what people are doing when they come to close.....it's scary."

Emerald eyes widen at your words before he huffs. "Rubbish! I wouldn't harm you, love. There's nothing to be scared of."

So you were a bit of a anxiaty butterfly that's okay. He'd help you open up little by little. "I do hope someday soon you can be comfortable around me as a friend."

Actually glancing up at him you felt your face darken. "Okay...I..I'll try." Why did he want to be your friend anyways? Did he not hear the rumors about you?

Gloomy and nerdy.

You weren't really, in fact you were just a regular girl that spaces out often, you enjoy anime, and being alone is sort of habit. When your parents aren't around often it's normal to learn how to accept being alone.

It's not like your parents didn't love each other either, whenever they were both off your mother would cling to your papa. She'd whine about how she misses family time. He'd shower her with hugs and kisses. They were only off on Sundays and even then not much family time happened.

They were your parents still so you loved them regardless of the lack of attention.

Today was..Friday? So you'd be alone for another day. Hopefully, they'd be okay with keeping Iggy. He was a cutie.

You both eat in comfortable silence mostly, until he told you a story. It was about England, to be honest you've alwayd wished to go there. The odd weather was to your liking, the sights, people, knowledge..gosh you heard stories of their libraries.

The bell for next period rings signalling clean up time. "Thanks for spending lunch with me, it's...nice to have another present." His story painted a nice picture.

"Anytime." He smiles which you return with one of your own.


After splitting up you and him hve different math classes but the same P.E period.

While passing Trixy you were tripped and shoved. Your ribs began to throb still not fully healed. A forceful yank on your hair got your (E/C) orbs to meet the bitches.

Oh she looked mad. "Listen here freak! Arthur is going to be my future man hence stay away from him."

You shook your head no, he was your new friend. Only friend.

Trixy slams your head into the lockers before kneeing you in the gut. Pain flared up knocking the air out you lungs. Still, you wouldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing you cry. You glare at her as she grips your hair harder.

"Let..me go."

"Oh look? It talks." She tossed you down and gave you one more good kick in the ribs, you felt something snap. "Stay away from him or it wont just be me you see."

Watching her walk off you slowly get up. This was bad and you knew it. How were you still awake? Auto pilot maybe because you don't even remember how you got to the nurses office.

"Oh (Y/N)? Is something the matter hun?" She ties her hair up in a bun while getting up. "Something happen to your side?"

"......." Thud.

"(Y/N)?... (Y/N)!!" She helps you up ushering your passed out body to the bed. Lifting up your shirt she checks you over. "Oh dear..who would do this to such a sweet student?"


You were all bruised and beaten. It looked horrible. She calls an ambulance just in case there is to much trauma to your head or body.

*~(A/N: Well...that escalated quickly. Btw for the whole social thing with touch I was using my own personal experience a bit. Sorry if it sounded odd. Till next time Bye!)~*

You okay, love? (England x Bullied!Reader) Modern AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora