Chapter 3

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A/N Anddddd... Another chapter! Yay! :D anywayyyyy... LEZZGO PEOPLE!!!!!


Herobrine's POV

'I wish they would stop cutting down the trees... It's not right!' I think as I look out over the empty once wooded area. 'It used to be so beautiful!' My eyes are glowing bright with a hint of anger in them. I know I could easily be seen like this should someone walk by since its night. 'I wonder what happened to Anna? Hopefully she's OK!' My eyes dim as I think about her, suddenly, I hear a voice say, "Herobrine! Where are you? It's me, Anna!" Oh goodness! She must have been calling for a while now! I rush towards the voice, but instead of being greeted, I hear soft sobs. "A-are you l-looking for me?" I stutter a little. She looks up and her gaze locks on mine. After about a second she looks away.

Anna's POV

(Before she went to find Herobrine)

I play with my food as my mind keeps drifting off. Suddenly, my mom says, "Honey! Please eat your food!" "Um... Mom? Can I ask you something?" I ask. "Yeah, sure!" She replies. "I-is it OK for kids my age to date?" I ask. She gives me a strange look, but answers, "Well, it's not that I'm against kids dating, but I think you should wait 'till you're a little older. Why?" "I don't know... Just curious." I say back. I stand up and walk upstairs to my room where I drift off, dreaming of me and Herobrine sitting on a lookout, overlooking a beautiful lake, but I was snapped out of my thoughts when my dad walks in and says, "Anna, come and finish your food please." I walk downstairs again and finish my food. I toss my plate in the sink and rush outside and to where I met Herobrine. I call several times for him, and after a while I start sobbing, I don't know why, I just do. Suddenly a familiar voice says, "A-are you l-looking for me?" I look up only to get my gaze caught in his, I look away after a few moments though. He walks over and places his hand on my shoulder, sending a wave of heat coursing through my body. What does that mean?


Aaaaannnnndddd done!

'Hey people reading this!' (Annabeth)

'Hello!' (Herobrine)

Um... Where's Megan?

'Um... In case you haven't noticed, we're in the woods.' (Herobrine)

Oh, right... My bad... -.-

'It's ok' (Annabeth)



'Bye all you people reading this!' (Herobrine)

'BYEEEEE!!!!!!!' (Annabeth)


Herobrine Relations: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now