Chapter 7

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Herobrine's POV

"Hey, Hero!" I hear a spider say to me. "Hello." I say back, turning to face it. It quickly nods its head in respect. "So, how are you?" She asks. "Good. How about you and your family?" I ask her. "Very well, thank you!" She replies. I smile then say, "Well, I must go, I think I hear my friend... Crying?" "Uh... Who's your friend?" Asks the spider. "Her name's Anna, but I need to go, she might be in trouble!"

Anna's POV

I march off into the now-empty place where the lush forest used to grow... Suddenly, a newspaper flys into my face. I grab it and read it. 'The once-green forest right outside of Cloudsville is now gone. A mysterious man says he can get us fake air so we can survive without the trees...' I don't read any more, I toss the paper on the ground and march up to a random (a/n yes, random!) worker. He looks at me with a confused look and props his axe on his shoulder. "Is THIS what you call a PROSPEROUS city?!" I practically scream. He laughs and says, "Well, yeah! I'm totally with the idea of fake trees! And what ya' gonna do about it? Tell me on that mysterious dude?" I glare at him. "Oh no! MUCH worse than that!!" I threaten. He just laughs again and walks away. I march off and unfortunately, I don't see a rusty axe lying on the ground. I trip over it and the axe blade cuts my stomach, I try to stand up, but my bruised knee from earlier keeps me from standing. After trying, I just lay there sobbing for Notch-knows-HOW-long! Suddenly, I feel a hand brush gently over my shoulder. I look up at the person standing over me.


Alright! I hope you got the Notch thing. We're in Minecraftia, so I think you should get that, if not, ASK MEH TO TELL YOU!!!!! Anywayyyyy...

'HELLO PEOPLE!!!!!' (Herobrine)

'Ugh... Hey...' (Anna)

'Um... What's wrong?!' (Sky)

Wait wait wait!!!!! You're not in... At least... Not yet, Sky...

'Oh... Right...' (Sky)


'Snap!' (Silver and Megan)

'Oh goodness!' (Herobrine)



Herobrine Relations: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now