Chapter 1

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Dear Tsunayoshi Sawada,

You are invited to the class reunion of Nanimori Middle School Class 2-A.

Location: Class 2-A
Date: 05-10-20xx
Time: 3pm

Please inform me if you will be attending.

Yukihira Megumi,
Ex-Chairman of Class 2-A


"Dame-Tsuna, you're going to the reunion. Clear your plans for tomorrow." Reborn stated, leaving no room for arguments.

Tsuna looked as the large pile of paperwork remaining and groaned, "Why couldn't Reborn inform me earlier? I don't even want to go..."

"What did you just say?" Reborn popped his head back into the office.

"HIEE!! N-nothing." Tsuna stuttered.

"I thought so." Reborn said smugly.


Meanwhile, the guardians where in the meeting room. They were on the phone with Yukihira Megumi, finalising the details for the reunion.

" sure?" Yukihira asked.

"Yes, just leave it to me." Takeshi replied, ending the call.

Takeshi put up his thumb, grinning from ear to ear.

Now, all they had to do was to wait.

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