Chapter 3

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"Now that everyone is here, let's head for dinner. We can talk there. The bus is downstairs already." Yukihira said professionally, pushing up her glasses.

Everyone got up and started heading downstairs. "Where are we eating?" Tsuna asked his guardians innocently. They shrugged.

They got on the bus and as soon as Tsuna got comfortable, he feel asleep. It was no wonder the boy was so tired. He had to finish two days worth of work in one day just to attend the reunion.


The bus came to a stop and Tsuna woke up, choosing not to draw up the mini curtains. He alighted the bus and the scene that met him was one that was not expected.

"Hayato, can you explain to me what this is all about?" Tsuna said between clenched teeth. The class had arrived at The Vongola Hotel, their newly opened Japan branch.

The guardians froze, feeling Tsuna's killing intent.

"I'll go speak to Yukihira."Takeshi hurriedly said.

"Wait for me." Hayato added.

It was the second time Tsuna had seen Hayato follow Takeshi willingly.

Tsuna sighed and joined Kyoko and Chrome in the middle of the class as they walked in the hotel.

As soon as the workers saw Tsuna, they bowed.

Takahashi and his group of friends smirked, thinking that the workers were bowing to them, since they held manager positions in other Vongola hotel branches.

The class was escorted to one of the hotel's best dining room.

"...4..5..6..7 chandeliers!!"

"Are these real gold?"

"These must be silk!"

"I feel like royalty!"

"How did we get so lucky?"

Takahashi spoke up, "It must be due to our influence. They probably know that we're managers of the other branch so they've given us better treatment."

The class oohed as they continue to look around the room until the dishes started to arrive and they settled down at the long table. The waitresses were putting down the dishes when the manager of the hotel showed up. "Congratulations on your 10th year reunion, we have prepared a 3 course meal consisting of appetizers, main course and dessert." Noticing the Decimo, the manager wanted to bow but was stopped by a shake of his head. "Please enjoy!" The manager smiled and exited the room.

The dinner was rather enjoyable accept for the few snide remarks from Takahashi and his gang about Tsuna (in which the guardians solved it with their KI). However, just as the dessert was set on their table, Tsuna could feel a headache coming on, his Hyper Intuitition acting up.

Tsuna glanced at his storm, rain and half-mist guardian, informing them of the upcoming attack. The guardians tensed, increasing their awareness of the surrounding.

'Enemy approaching' Tsuna informed his sun guardian, trusting him to take care of the situation. He had found out that their flames also aided them in telepathy.


A hole was created in the wall of the dining room and after the dust settled, the class could see a silver head and a teen.

'Isn't that Kyoko's brother?!!!' Everyone thought simultaneously.

"Well well well, who do we have here? The Vongola Decimo and his pathetic little guardians." The group saw a suit-clad blonde leading his famiglia. We are from the Pesca Famiglia, remember us Decimo?

(The Pesca Famiglia sent an assasin to attack Tsuna before the Inheritance Ceremony.)

'The class looked around, who was the Decimo they were speaking about? Could it be Gokudera? He always seemed to have an aura of someone from the mafia.'

Hayato, Yamamoto and Chrome stepped out immediately. "You will not touch a single hair on Jyuudaime." Hayato activated his Sistema C.A.I and started attacking the famiglia surrounding the blonde.

"You sure you want to do that?" The blondie pointed to a girl in the class.

"KYOKO-CHAN!!" A knife was being held to her throat while the blondie laughed.

In a moment, his laughter was wiped off as Kyoko knocked the intruder off her back and pointed a gun at him. "What were you saying?" Kyoko smirked.

The room started to get chilly and the blondie's eyes widened as he felt the killing intent of the Decimo. "You crash my reunion, destroy my hotel and fight my guardians. But you will not harm my classmates!" Tsuna activated his HYWM and charged towards the blondie. Under a minute, the Pesca Famiglia was down and all that was left in the room was the shocked gaze and open jaws of the class.

"Tie them up and send them to the HQ, we'll have a little talk with them." his guardians could see a glint in his eyes and felt pity for the blondie and his gang. If only they had never touched Kyoko.

The killing intent in the room was dissipated suddenly when the brunette announced, "The reunion is cancelled for today. Hayato, get someone to fix this and Takeshi, schedule another time for the reunion."


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