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Shadow almost bit the stick in half. Kitting was way more painful then she could ever imagine. At least she had found a clan, SmallClan, to take care of her. She had refused to get a warrior name since she wanted her mate, Brown, to find her.

"HELP!" She yowled. The medicine cat, Tallstalk, was doing all he could. It was still going to be painful but she wished it could be less painful.

Outside the den, Heatstar walked back and forth. He had grown close to Shadow since she had been there and wanted to make sure she was okay. She just had to be okay for him. He kept pacing waiting for the yowling to stop. Everyone else thought that he was nuts for being so close to it. He just wanted to be like a father figure for the kits.

After a while the yowling stopped. Shadow laid inside the nursery with five kits at her belly. Tallstalk just walked out and told Heatstar he was fine to go in. Heatstar smiled and looked at Shadow and her kits.

"Will they have clan names?" He asked her softly. He hoped they would since that would mean she would most likely stay.

"Yes, would you like to help me pick out names since I'm not sure what to named them?" Shadow purred to him making his heart thump.

"Sure, what would you name them in the wild? Just so I know what to go off of." Heatstar purred back.

"Well the ginger shecat I would name Flame. The stripped tabby tom I would name Tiger. The spotted tabby tom I would name Cheetah. The silver tom I would name Moon. The little white shecat I would name Snow." Shadow listed the names as she thought of them.

"Well then Flame, we could name Flamekit." He suggested stroking the ginger shecat with his dark ginger tail.

"That sounds good. Tiger could be Tigerkit and the same for Cheetah. What about Moon and Snow?" Shadow asked.

"Hm, how about Silverkit for Moon and Bluekit for Snow?" He asked.

"Why Bluekit?"

"Because if Brown really had blue eyes I think she will have blue eyes. Her warrior name could be Bluesnow then."

"That sounds perfect."

"Alright, I'll be with Halfpaw if you need anything. After we are done practicing I'll tell him to get you the biggest fresh kill he can find for you and your kits." Heatstar purred then walked out of the den.


I was reading the first chapters of The Four and realized that Heatstar protected them more then anyone else so I think he should be like their father figure. So yea, this is the prologue to A Troubled Flame

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