Chapter 4

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"I can't believe you are actually going through with this." Flamekit sighed as she walked next to her brother. Tigerkit and Cheetahkit were on the other side of him and they were heading to find Halfkit and where they would be fighting.

"Stop doubting our brother, he's strong and will easily beat Halfkit." Cheetahkit laughed with ease.

"Well Halfkit is like three moons older then us." Flamekit realized. There was no way that Silverkit was going to win. Halfkit probably already knew some fighting moves since he almost was an apprentice.

"He's actually four moons older then us." Tigerkit said quietly.

"Actually they will be six moons on the next half moon which kinda looks like it will be tomorrow." Cheetahkit said as he looked to the sky.

"See! This is outrageous! You shouldn't do it." Flamekit told Silverkit. He just rolled his eyes.

"I'm not going to let him get away with picking on you. He's been doing it since I've been able to hear. He's been going on about since you were the first born you shouldn't be that small. Bluekit should be the smallest one not you. Then once I opened my eyes he was saying that Flamekit should of opened her eyes first like he did since he was born first." Silverkit said.

Flamekit looked down. She didn't know that Halfkit had been picking on her for that long. Now she had to show him that she could be strong.

"Hey! What are you kits doing?" A soft growl from behind them snapped Flamekit out of her thoughts. She turned around quickly and saw Blackpaw. She eased up a little.

"We were just going to explore." Silverkit said quickly trying to cover it up.

"Yea! We just wanted to see what the camp looked like at night." Cheetahkit said glaring at Blackpaw.

"What about you Flamekit? What is your excuse?" Blackpaw turned his eyes toward Flamekit. As they looked at her they softened up.

"I was just following them. I wanted to know where they were going." She said softly making it seem as believable as she possibly could.

"Hm, well then you wouldn't mind if I came along to make sure no cat stepped on you kits then would you?" Blackpaw asked as a small smirk flashed upon his face. He knew the kits where going to try to sneak out and he wasn't going to let it happen.

"Um, no. We wouldn't mind at all." Silverkit said stuttering a little. Flamekit could only imagine what was going through his head.

"Then I'm heading back. This is too boring. Come on Tigerkit." Flamekit said softly as she headed back toward the nursery and flicked her tail for her quiet brother to come along. She soon heard the footprints of him following after her. She smiled. She had complete control of her siblings and they all knew it too.


Okay, so sorry for being gone for so long! I've not been wanting to write or even really read so yea. I guess I was on Hiatus or whatever it is 😂😂. I promise I'll try to update every other day now if I can. I do have karate on Monday through Thursday but I think I can manage it too. I'll probs update this again on Tuesday and the series on Monday. Leave a comment down below with a vote! Thanks!

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