Chapter 1

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Flamekit squirmed in her nest trying to look around but only saw black. She was one moon now so she should be able to see. All her siblings could see by now.

"When will she open her eyes?" A voice from next to her meowed. She turned her head to the sound but still saw nothing.

"Give her time honey." Another voice meowed softly.

"I already had my eyes open. If she was the first born then she should of opened her eyes first." A third voice meowed from somewhere next to her.

"Come on Flamekit. Just open your eyes. I want to play." The first voice was now closer to her. She wanted to lean on the voice though she knew she might lean the wrong way and fall over.

I'm trying. I really am trying. I want to see you all. I want to see what I look like. I want to see the world! Flamekit screamed in her head. Just like her sight, she hadn't found her voice either. She could just let out a weak meow.

"Shadow, could I show your other kits the camp while Flamekit struggles to open her eyes?" The third voice meowed again.

"Go ahead Halfkit. Just be careful with them. I'll send Flamekit with you if she opens her eyes." The second voice from before meowed.

The second soft voice must be Shadow, my mother. The third rougher voice must be Halfkit, another kit but not my sibling. Flamekit thought trying to put together everything in her head.

"It's either one of us or none of us." A shyer voice meowed with a small quiver. That voice sounded a little farther away.

"Then you stay here with your blind sister, Tigerkit. I'll take the rest of your siblings on a tour of the camp." Halfkit's strong, rough voice hissed. Flamekit wanted to back up against her mother but didn't know where she was so stayed still.

"Tigerkit is right. It's either all of us that go with you or just one of us." The strong voice returned. It was still right by her side.

"Whatever, you are all losers. Wait for your pathetic sister then. I'll be out in the camp playing if any of you want to join me." Halfkit hissed then she felt his pawsteps leave the den.

Am I really pathetic? He keeps calling me that so I must be. But my siblings are here and protecting me. They must not think I'm pathetic. They could also just be there because I am their sister. Once I open my eyes they are probably going to leave me. Then I'll be alone again. Flamekit thought sadly. Did she look weird or was it just simply because she couldn't see or talk yet that she was pathetic.

"Stupid toms. Always trying to mess up everything." Another soft voice just like her mom's spoke. This one was fill with rage though.

"Don't listen to him Flamekit. He's just jealous that he doesn't have such amazing siblings like you have." The shyer voice meowed next to her now. She smiled a little and pressed herself against the voice. She felt safe with them. Maybe she wasn't pathetic after all.


You do not know how hard this was to write. Since Flamekit hadn't opened her eyes and it's all in her point of view I had to make no description except voices. I hope you liked it though!

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