Part 8

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Star Preston POV
9 months pregnant
Justin been on tour for some time now he wanted me with him but he came back just in time he spent a week here and they resting before going to Europe and I was big now My water can break any minute Justin was here at my house cooking when he finally finish tour then I'll move in but I don't want to be alone tom moved with me and Carly but he still have his house for him and Carly can have private time I was on bed rest I was really in trouble because Justin caught me walking and almost chained me to the bed he brung the food in I smiled I did a little cheer he put the food in front me the way I looked round him didn't matter to me I had mood swings but my body wasn't the issue missing Justin was I called him crying he always made it better I ate the food after I finished Justin was shaving I felt sudden pain I held my stomach "Baby"I said "Yes"He said "I think I'm going into labour"I said his eyes widen because I stood up and water came out my vagina like a water fall I grabbed my makeup bag going to the restroom I brushed my hair as Justin got things ready as I did my make up "Baby you ready"He said coming to the restroom I nodded he kissed me then my belly "I get to see you little one"He said we already know it's going to be a girl he said his little princess I smiled we sat there the contractions weren't that bad it was just uncomfortable in someways oh while we wait till I dilate let me tell you about my mom
My mom had called saying she want to see me she didn't know anything about me and Justin dating so I brung him to dinner with me so me my mom and Justin was sitting talking things where going good till dinner was ready and her husband aka my step dad had came home I had on a dress 6 months pregnant Justin was here for the tour in la and I asked on his day off to come with me he said of course so now where here I felt hands on me "Can you stop"I told Darnell he smirked my mom had walked out Justin gave him dirty looks "what the hell you looking at Bieber"Darnell said "I see you gotten her knocked up was her pussy good"Darnell said "Shut the hell its not even cute"I said "I remember those night in your bed"He said "Okay here are the dessert"mom said then she walked out to get something he touched me again and I grabbed a knife I stood behind him with the knife to his neck tears came "I never liked you"I said "Baby put the knife down"Justin said "Yea listen to the bastered"Darnell said "put it down baby come sit down"Justin said I let it drop to the floor I backed up slowly i seen Darnell get up he came to me I felt a sting making me fall to the floor "She's pregnant you ass hoe"Justin said they started fist fighting I got up I had blood on my cheek I felt something on the back of head I turned there stood my mom with a gun pointed to me "First you lie about my husband raping you then I try to make everything right now you pulled a knife on him now look he's beating the crap out your little baby daddy all I wanted was to see my daughter"she said "He did rape me mama I was 15 years old when he came in my room at 17 years old I found the balls to fight back"I said she smirked "Take your little pop star and get the hell out my damn house and never come back"She said I went to Justin he was passed out "Justin baby wake up"I said he groaned "wake up lets go"I said "oh and star I disown you NEVER come back ever"She said "Fuck you too Karen"I said to the women I use to call mom Justin got up he stumbled his face was bruised up I got him in the passenger seat I slid in the driver seat I called my dad I explained to him he came over my house I pulled up he was out side "Dad can you help me with him"I said he helped Justin in sit on the couch "How did y'all get bruises"dad asked after i explained he grew mad at them "Never go over there no more and I'll see you later honey" dad said I nodded
-End of flashback-)
I felt pain now it was uncomfortable it was pain now Justin fell asleep "Baby"I said almost to tears my stomach felt like knives where in my back "Justin"I squealed he still was sleep I wanted to push so badly I screamed he woke up "What's wrong"He said "I think she's coming like right now"I said he ran to get the nurse the nurse propped my foot up "She's crowning"The nurse said soon my mid wife came and took over I held Justin hand tightly "You got this baby"He said I screamed in pain Justin kissed my head I pushed pushed and pushed soon crying filled the room I smiled as my little girl just came into the world "would you like to cut the cord Mr.Bieber"They asked Justin he nodded after they cleaned her up and took measurements and height and weight I was steadying my breathing they wrapped her up handed her to me I looked at my baby girl "She's beautiful"I said looking up at Justin he smiled "You did it baby"He said I smiled "I think I'll either name you Justina or Julia or justice"I said "I love Julia baby justina is cute but we don't need two Justin's running around unless it's our son"He said I smiled "You want more kids in the future"I asked "Just three little ones"He said "Or maybe a full house"He added he kissed me she made little noises she opened her eyes her eyes where light brown like literally I thought babies where have to form there natural color she already had the color "Okay miss.Preston are you planning on breast feeding"She asked me "No"I answered "Okay are you and the father married or living together"She asked "Not yet on both answers but I do have a stable house she can stay in my house"I said she nodded "Okay I have to put this on you and the baby its a color strip so your baby don't get mixed up or stolen"she said I nodded after putting the bands on us "If you need anything just pressed the help button and we need to take her for a exam and check up"She said I nodded soon they took my baby and out the door Justin rubbed my hand I was already upset she's gone away and they only took her for examination I was so exhausted I took a nap

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