Part 2 ;; The Kidnap

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I decided to make these longer and more interesting, so I hope you'll enjoy this.

Night was just coming, Rex knew. It was a habit to know. Right now, In a few minutes he will go illegally against the rule and steal or kidnap the soul healer.

Rex was in demon form, a type of demotic smoke.

He sneaked over to the angel door, and he silently opened it, giving silent thanks to the devil, that he didn't trip any alarms.

A smirk on his face as he turned and began to go to the healer room. Everyone was asleep, that's what he liked.

If he didn't wake up anyone, they wouldn't know she was kidnapped.

The demons needed a soul healer on their side, and the Angels only have that. He needed to gain her trust. Which he hoped for isn't hard.

He made it to the third floor and went to the third hall, the last one. He turned his head and went back to human form. He was like a shadow, expect he wasn't.

He exhaled, and he slowly opened the door to the last room. It was the soul healer's room. He closed the door behind him.

He walked over and just sat on the bed, making her jolt awake. She growled lowly in her throat, before Rex snatched her up, and covered her mouth with his hand. "Stay quiet and you'll stay unharmed." The demon said.

The healer staid quiet, and he smiled. "Good Girl. Today you will be breaking a rule. Your a angel, and you with be trespassing."

A smirk flooded over the girls face, and then she spoke. It was a beautiful and soft, girlish voice. "And what about you? Demon? Your trespassing, I have the right to submit you to the master."

Fierce as she was, that didn't stop him. He smiled blankly, as the moon behind the curtains glowed. "Little Angel. How sweet of you." He said, feeling her struggle. He only tightened his grip on her, and he felt her let out a gasp.

"Don't try little angel. It's no use, my grip on you will tighten if you try to escape. So using my disability as your advantage would be no luck."

"Smart words for a... What are they called, oh right... A spy demon."

She was teasing him, he could tell. Maybe he should tease her back, but thought best. "We have to go." He said, seeing the girls puzzled expression. He smirked, "You'll see."


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