Part 7;; The Forbidden

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So I'll actually start writing a part, every day, or week. But I might not be able to for a week, so be patient.


Nyx had her head in her hands. Her face was against the desk. She groaned, her eyes slowly shutting.

She heard a pound on her desk and that instantly woke her up. "Nyx! How many times do I have to tell you. This is school, not some type of babysitting class!" The teacher scowled.

Nyx groaned, and threw her hand up, "A minute or two -" She was cut off. She felt hands on her back.

"Mrs. Fall. She has a high fever, not enough sleep. Also contact with the demons. Let her go back to her dorm for a week." The angel behind her said.

The teacher looked at them and smiled, "Alright, Nyx your dismissed. You better go right to sleep. If not, some talking will be done." She said.

Nyx stood up, her forehead felt like it was on fire. She nodded a thanks before she moved away towards her dorm.

She opened her door and closed it, locking it. She went to her bed, and began to eat a apple. She finished the apple, throwing the not eaten part away.

She then laid down, on the soft and warm bed and fell into a deep sleep. Her wings twitching slightly, the only thing moving in this world / or room.

She heard a knock on her door. "What is it!" She groaned. She sat up, going towards it and unlocking it. Kaiden stormed in, his hands on his hips.

"Nyx!" He said, and hugged her tightly, as she was close to him. Nyx coughed. "O-Okay! T-That's.... Enough!" She choked. Her wings flapping helplessly. His black wings, curled against his back.

"Sorry, Nyx.." He apologized. His eyes soft, he let her go. She stumbled backward and onto the bed.

"Really! You could of killed me!" She cried out. Kaiden just frowned. "You won't die when I'm around." He said, and looks towards her. "I just came here to ask if you wanted any food."

She thought for a moment, before she briefly nodded. "Yes! I want soup of the day, and some steak." She said quickly. Kaiden backed away and nodded. "Alright!"

As he left, she let out a sigh of relief. A quick breath, a breath she had been holding. She coughs again, then began to wonder, 'What is soup of the day?' Her mind said to her.

When Kaiden came back, he was holding the soup of the day and the steak she asked. She gave him a shy smile, and went and picked it up. The dark angel smiled with glee and moved out.

As she finished the food, she put the plate by her bed and laid down. Her eyes dancing with tiredness. She closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

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